Articles About Best Friends: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

Articles about best friends give us different perspectives on individuals’ familiar relationships. See this article for a close examination of this connection.

Mary Rose and Teodora were my best friends for the entirety of my elementary years. However, when I decided to enroll at a different high school, things went south fast. It started with simple avoidance because our schedules didn’t match, then radio silence. It was a harsh realization – to find out that the people you consider your best friends don’t value you as much.

Although my experience with best friends isn’t happy, I still acknowledge the importance of having a valuable confidant. The experience also made me a more relatable writer and developed my life skills. Hence, sharing real-life experiences for an autobiography or a profile story is more manageable.

5 Article Examples

1. Darling Buds: How Best Friends Keep Us Healthy and Happy by Katherine Latham

“We gravitate towards people who are similar to ourselves. Homophily is the concept that similarity makes social connection[s] easier. Now, research has shown that close friends resemble each other not just in manner and appearance, but physiologically too.”

Latham’s article focuses on how people seek and cultivate best friends. She also shows how various factors affect best friends’ relationships by interviewing real people. Some prospered and became lifesaving support, while some deteriorated over the years. 

Further in the article, the author delves into the science of best-friend relationships, such as the similarities in neural responses and behavioral patterns. Latham also mentions some benefits of having a best friend, such as having a stronger immune system and a shield against depression. You can also check out these articles about being grateful.

2. ‘Best Friends’ Are a Surprisingly Recent Phenomenon by Jaya Saxena

“We weren’t always so taken with dynamic duos. But in recent decades, we’ve come to expect that people should have one closest companion.”

Saxena begins her article by sharing a childhood memory of a sleepover party where they ended up fighting over who’s the best friend of who. Despite confessing that having a best friend is necessary, the author presents a survey showing the staggering number of Americans who don’t have a “single favorite friend.” Saxena then writes about why humans need close relations with others, including how these emotions impact pop culture, and social circles.

3. The Increasing Importance of a Best Friend at Work by Alok Patel and Stephanie Plowman

“A best friend at work is the gift that keeps on giving… And because they care about their best friend, they don’t want to let them down, so they show up for them in their performance and in a supportive role. They have their back — whether that means prioritizing safety or going out their way on a project.”

Patel and Plowman center their article on the advantages of having a best friend in the workplace, such as having emotional and social encouragement. They support their points with recent data, then cite its importance during the pandemic and the resulting hybrid work. In the later part of the article, the writers share several strategies to foster best-friend relationships at work. Check out these essays about relationships.

4. Am I in Love With My Best Friend? by Tom Rasmussen

“Relationships are complicated. But why shouldn’t they be? Friendships and romance are a response to the same need within us all: to feel understood, to feel less alone.”

Rasmussen recounts his experiences with his friend without a label he calls Hatty. He then delves into his acquaintances’ encounters with the same complex relationship, leading to the article’s title. Rasmussen also mentions the dire effect of systems humans use to lessen the hurt we may cause to others and how they hinder us from truly exploring our relationships with those we are interested in.

5. Best Friends Forever and Family Ties: Continuity and Change in Closeness With Parents and Friends Among Australian Adolescents by McKell Jorgensen-Wells

“Understanding relationship shifts, particularly with parents and friends, especially across cultures, may increase parents’ and educators’ capacity to help teens navigate these relational transitions… adolescents’ increased desire to foster emotional connection with others heightens the stakes for close relationships during the adolescent developmental period.”

Jorgensen-Wells writes about the need for social relationships and the complications that can arise. She concentrates her research on the impacts of close relationships on young individuals. The study aims to help guardians and professionals assist people in handling distinct social settings. 

She concludes that income, family structure, and gender affect one’s close relations to their parents and friends, thereby influencing how they live their lives in the future, such as how they function within a society. She also notes that her study still leaves many questions and urges others to follow the related readings she recommended to expand their knowledge on the topic.

Use metaphors in your writing to make it more interesting. Check these common types of metaphors to know more.

6 Prompts for Articles About Best Friends

1. Me and My Bestfriend Through the Years

Me and my bestfriend through the years
You can dedicate your article to more than one friend and devote a section to each and detail your unique experiences together

Write about your memories with your best friend through this prompt. Write about how you met, your challenges, and why you consider them your best friend. You don’t have to limit your best friend count to one. You can dedicate your article to more than one friend and devote a section to each and detail your unique experiences together.

2. My Best Friends’ Qualities

For this prompt, list the criteria that you use to consider someone as your best friend. Answer how they differ from your “regular” friends and what makes them stand out. For instance, you may say that your best friend is willing to drive thousands of miles to support you during your most vulnerable times. You can also make your article more objective by compiling statistics or surveys about people’s opinions on the qualities they search for to call someone their “best friend.” You may also enjoy these essays about friendships.

3. My Sibling, My Best Friend

My sibling, my best friend
In your article, discuss your close relationship with your brother or sister and why you consider them your best friend

Our siblings can be both our greatest enemy and our dearest friend. It’s easy to consider our siblings our best friends because we usually go through the same experiences while growing up. A special bond forms when we depend on our siblings for many years while staying at home.

In your article, discuss your close relationship with your brother or sister and why you consider them your best friend. It may be because they get your quirks or know your deepest secrets. If you’re an only child, you can interview someone with a sibling and request them to share their thoughts on having a sibling-slash-best friend.

4. How To Have a Best Friend

Create a fun article detailing how an individual can be friends and, eventually, best friends with someone. You can collate several encounters of those with a best friend so the readers will know how to find a close companion. For example, advice that they should look for acquaintances with the same interests, so if you’re fond of books, you should join and share the best books for a book club.

5. The Right Way To Being Someone’s Best Friend

Dedicate your article to helping others how to be great friends. Share specific steps your readers can follow to show they care for their friends and nurture their relationships. Ensure to back your suggestions with science-based research on human behavior. 

6. Should Romantic Partners Also Be Your Best Friends?

Answer the prompt objectively on why romantic partners can or can’t be your best friends. Add real-life experiences from people you’ve interviewed to make your article more convincing.

For instance, having a romantic partner as your best friend is challenging because you lose a companion when you break up. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts. 
