Articles About Being Grateful: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

Being grateful can do wonders for our well-being and peace of mind. If you are writing articles about being grateful, see our guide for inspiration.

Being grateful can turn your life around by appreciating the small things in life. You can turn your sadness or anger into something better on a tough day. We may be prone to a more negative outlook on life, which is bad for our mental health. We should “look at the bright side” and be grateful for all we have. 

This is not to minimize all our struggles and sufferings but to create a positive mindset that can revolutionize how you think, behave, and operate. Transform your life by being grateful and focusing your energy on positivity.

5 Example Articles

1. Giving thanks can make you happier by Anonymous

“When their week’s assignment was to write and personally deliver a letter of gratitude to someone who had never been properly thanked for his or her kindness, participants immediately exhibited a huge increase in happiness scores. This impact was greater than that from any other intervention, with benefits lasting for a month.”

In this article, the author reports on a study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania. The participants were tasked to write and deliver a letter of gratitude; results showed that their “happiness scores” increased, and even if they were not being thanked, it can be concluded that being thankful can do great things for a person’s happiness. 

2. What is Gratitude and Why Is It So Important? by Courtney E. Ackerman

“Acts of gratitude can be used to apologize, make amends and help solve other problems. Alternatively, people may feel gracious because it can be an intrinsically rewarding process. Simply being grateful for being alive is a great way to motivate oneself to seize the day. The idea that tomorrow is not guaranteed is a strong motivator for some people to be their “best self” today.”

Ackerman’s article is a comprehensive look at gratitude. It includes definitions of the word, why it’s important, how to apply it to your life, and its positive effects. Ackerman explains how gratitude can unconsciously influence our lives- it can help resolve a conflict, make you feel more fulfilled, or just allow you to appreciate life in general.

3. Gratitude Is Good: Why It’s Important And How To Cultivate It by Tracy Brower

“Gratitude is also the root of happiness. It tends to focus you on what you have and replace a sense of what you might be lacking. According to some philosophers, you can’t feel both grateful and unhappy, so when your mind focuses on all you are thankful for, you’re more likely to feel joy.”

Brower writes about the importance of gratitude as well as ways in which you can practice it more. It allows you to focus on the positive rather than what you’re missing. In addition, it allows you to focus on the present rather than regretting the past or worrying about the future. Lastly, being grateful for someone or something can turn into love.

4. How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain by Joshua Brown and Joel Wong

“Most interestingly, when we compared those who wrote the gratitude letters with those who didn’t, the gratitude letter writers showed greater activation in the medial prefrontal cortex when they experienced gratitude in the fMRI scanner. This is striking as this effect was found three months after the letter writing began. This indicates that simply expressing gratitude may have lasting effects on the brain.”

Brown and Wong write about four psychological benefits of being grateful. Gratitude helps us escape toxic emotions and is effective when expressed with others. Most interestingly, their study shows that it can change how the brain works. While not conclusive, the study suggests that being grateful can contribute to improved mental health. 

5. The Benefits of Gratitude and How to Get Started by Bethany Fulton 

“Stress lowers the immune response to potential bodily threats, whereas increased mental well-being can help your body fight off illness, according to a 2004 research review trusted Source.

Practicing gratitude also has the ability to improve other aspects of physical health, with one early-stage 2017 studyTrusted Source suggesting it can reduce the risks associated with heart failure.”

In the article, Fulton discusses ways to start practicing gratitude, including prayer, journaling, volunteer work, and meditation. In addition, she explains some benefits of practicing gratitude, such as improved mental health and relationship skills. Most interestingly, she cites studies showing that the lessened stress that comes with gratitude can help boost the immune system, preventing disease. 

7 Writing Prompts on Articles About Being Grateful

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1. What Is Gratitude?

What is gratitude?
In this article, discuss your definition of gratitude and related ideas

Being grateful may have different meanings to each of us, and we can practice gratitude in different ways. In this article, discuss your definition of gratitude and related ideas. This can include the different things you are grateful for, including the people in your life, your personal circumstances, the joy of living, or the little things. Delve into the meaning of gratitude in your life and share it with your readers.

2. Why Should We Be More Grateful?

A more grateful, positive mindset has corresponded to healthier brain function and more positive output. Explain the importance of being grateful and appreciating the small things. Discuss why we should keep a positive mindset. As with all science-related topics, cite credible sources for the most precise information possible.

3. How to Practice Gratitude

Even if we say that we feel grateful for things, many people feel they need to be given more credit or gratitude for what they do for others. Think of ways in which you can have a more grateful mindset, as well as ways you can show your gratitude through your actions. Include 3-5 concrete actions for readers to be inspired by and practice in their lives.

4. What it Means to Be Grateful

In the 21st century, we often focus too much on negative aspects of life, with the seemingly never-ending stream of negative news. As a result, being grateful may take on a new meaning. What does “being grateful” look like in contemporary settings, in your opinion- does it differ from what we are taught? Reflect on what it means to be grateful today and discuss it in your article. 

5. Types of Gratitude 

Gratitude, whether genuine or not, can take many different forms. Research the different types of gratitude, list them down, and briefly explain each. Give examples of behaviors or actions that show each type of gratitude. 

6. Reasons to Be Grateful

Even if life may seem difficult, we have plenty of reasons to be grateful. List down some reasons you practice gratitude and explain each one sufficiently; an ideal number would be 7-12 points. Make sure each point you list applies to a wide range of people so that others can learn from your article.

7. What Are You Grateful For?

What are you grateful for?
In this prompt, write about everything you are grateful for

For a more reflective article, look back on everything that has happened to you in the past, then write about everything you are grateful for. Whether it be small things like simply waking up in the morning or monumental occasions in your life such as a job promotion or graduation, use this as an opportunity to practice gratitude in your writing. 

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