Articles About Attitude: Top 5 and 9 Prompts

Articles about attitude are important in Psychology as they reflect human behaviors and viewpoints. See our top examples and prompts to guide you in writing. 

Attitude is a complex topic that encompasses many aspects of human nature and characteristics. It refers to an individual’s mindset, specifically how they react to something. In Psychology, attitude is divided into cognitive, emotional, and behavioral parts. It can also be explicit or implicit.

Articles about attitude help readers understand why people operate and respond the way they do. They are critical in investigative research to collect further relevant information about thought processes and decision-making techniques that support or hinder human growth. To inspire you, browse some essays about psychology before beginning your article.

5 Article Examples

1. The ‘Can Do’ Attitude That Defines Hong Kong by Gary Jones

“… Hong Kong’s 7.4 million people also take pride in an intangible quality that they claim as their own. The “Lion Rock Spirit” – which describes their collective determination to better their lives against seemingly insurmountable odds – is, believers say, hardwired in the Asian city.”

Jones’s article examines the “Lion Rock Spirit,” which refers to Hong Kong citizens’ old beliefs and attitudes. He explains that this attitude of striving to win opportunities, climb the social ladder, and have a bright future has changed many lives and made Hong Kong a more affluent and better country. He presents Li Ka-Shing‘s case as an example to prove that this attitude is key to success. Jones believes that one thing will not change, and it’s the people’s attitude of working hard to achieve their goals.

2. When Does a Good Attitude Become Toxic Positivity? By Jen Rose Smith

“It’s not that being cheerful is a bad thing. A positive attitude can be a gift to those around you… but it shouldn’t take the place of listening thoughtfully to others’ experiences.”

Smith demonstrates how a positive attitude can inadvertently turn to toxic positivity. With experts’ research supporting her subject, she speaks about the negative impact of constant positivity and whether there’s anything good that results from feeling bad. Smith defines toxic positivity as an attitude in which a person focuses only on a particular or desired perspective and ignores real and challenging experiences.

3. Attitude in Psychology: Definition, Formation, Changes by Kendra Cherry

“Attitudes are often the result of experience or upbringing. They can have a powerful influence over behavior and affect how people act in various situations. While attitudes are enduring, they can also change.”

This article includes a psychologist’s definition of attitude, stating it’s a learned behavior they use to evaluate people, issues, things, and events in a positive or negative light. Cherry mentions the three components of attitude and the factors that affect attitude formation, such as conditioning, social factors, and experience. 

4. Why Attitude Beats Aptitude When Hiring by Ned Smith

“Nearly half of them are going to fail before hitting their second anniversary and most of the time it isn’t because they don’t have the right skills — it’s because they don’t have the right attitude.”

This article features an interview with Mark Murphy, a CEO, and author of the book “Hiring for Attitude,” which discusses the right way to hire people to improve the company’s future. It explains that while hiring skilled individuals is essential, most employees who are fired just a month after onboarding are those with attitude. Murphy says that competitiveness and individualism undermine a collaborative workplace, especially in a small business, so employees with the right attitude are critical.

Smith and Murphy also speak about “brown shorts,” or the unique way of getting the right people with a specific attitude. This article also briefly addresses questions that an interviewer should avoid during a typical 60-minute interview.

5. People’s Casual Attitude To Blame for Rising COVID Infections: Medical Experts by PTI

“The attitude of the people is as if Covid-19 has receded and even as if it was never there. Don’t understand how have they forgotten the condition during the two waves so easily and given up using masks and maintaining social distancing.”

This article focuses on the carefree attitude of West Bengal people as the root cause of the resurgence of pandemic positives in the area. Because of their casual attitude of believing that they are immune to the virus because they are fully vaccinated, they stopped following safety protocols. 

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7 Prompts To Write Articles About Attitude

1. What Is Attitude?

Many put their attitudes in high regard. Some even consider it more important than ability, money, or education. Use this prompt to explain attitude, its classifications, and the three components it has. After clarifying the basics, rationalize why attitude is an interesting research subject, including why people are bound to have it.

2. Significant Influences on Attitude

Significant influences on attitude
In this prompt, identify and examine other causal factors that significantly affect the development of a person’s attitude

Society, culture, and family are just a few factors that shape a person’s attitude. In this prompt, identify and examine other causal factors that significantly affect the development of a person’s attitude. Then, present why a person’s behavior changes and the process by which this occurs using different theories of behavior change.

3. Positive and Negative Attitudes

There are two main classifications of attitude that a person displays depending on their situation. For this prompt, delve into positive and negative attitudes, then look for the difference between them. Add examples that show how people use these attitudes in different settings, including the methods to develop and maintain a positive attitude.

4. Primary Functions of Attitude

Attitude helps people in many ways, such as expressing themselves or choosing appropriate behaviors. Use this prompt to demonstrate the importance of attitude by considering its primary functions. Then, explain how and why an individual needs to maintain a good attitude regardless of age, situation, or company.

5. Attitude vs. Behavior

Many think “attitude” and “behavior” are the same, but they are not. Clear up this misunderstanding by acknowledging the two definitions and differences. Use reliable data, preferably from esteemed or known experts in the field. You’ll also need to highlight what connects attitude and behavior. One primary difference is that “attitude” refers to mental tendencies while “behavior” constitutes physical actions.

6. Bad Attitudes in the Workplace

Bad attitudes in the workplace
In this prompt, identify and discuss the common workplace attitudes and their harmful effects on the individual, their peers, and the organization

Employee laziness, rudeness, and tardiness are dangerous behaviors that significantly impact the workplace. This prompt identifies and discusses common workplace attitudes and their harmful effects on the individual, their peers, and the organization. Then, add proven methods for preventing and dealing with bad attitudes in the workplace.

7. Is Attitude Learned or Genetic?

Use this prompt to clarify people’s confusion about where a person’s attitude comes from. Review and include studies that show evidence that attitudes are learned and not inherited and vice versa. Answer whether a big part of attitude came from genetics or experience, then include relevant research that supports your findings.

8. Attitude and Current Events

Review articles that show people’s attitudes at various events and discuss why they reacted the way they did based on research or theories from Social Psychology. Add what types of events make people have positive and negative attitudes.

For example, the Twitter shutdown news shocked all its users. While people unhappy with Twitter’s toxicity show a positive attitude, users who use it to connect with their internet friends are saddened, panicked, and angry by this news.

9. Political and Moral Attitude

Political and moral attitudes are two different concepts that people often associate with each other. Use this prompt to analyze their meanings and provide a detailed discourse on the differences and similarities between these concepts. Then, explain the importance of political and moral attitudes to a person.

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