Articles About Anxiety: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Anxiety is a severe issue affecting an individual’s well-being and lifestyle. See our examples and prompts you can use when writing articles about anxiety.

Sleep never comes easy for me. Despite having a long, tiring day, I will spend most of the time just staring at the ceiling, overthinking about the future. Thoughts run through my mind –  what if what I did today wasn’t enough? What if it was too much? The dread turns to panic, and sometimes it becomes overwhelming. Some people might turn to thinking quotes to calm their mind in times like these.

I’ve lived with anxiety ever since I can remember. Unfortunately, I am not the only one who goes through these issues. An estimated 6.8 million adults in the US have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and must deal with it so the anxiety doesn’t derail their daily lives. Spreading awareness about it is essential to tackle these problems, and writing articles about anxiety is a good start.

1. Depression and Anxiety by John W G Tiller

“Patients with depression often have features of anxiety disorders, and those with anxiety disorders commonly also have depression.

Tiller notes the importance of being aware of our anxiety and depression for effective treatment. After presenting statistics on individuals with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder, he explains that some patients do not want to be treated. He discovers that both mental issues are present in a patient because anxiety disorder is the primary mental condition and the first stage of depression.

The researcher mentions that it’s essential for medical practitioners to follow the diagnostic criteria in determining a particular disorder or if the patient has both diseases. Tiller discusses the proper patient evaluation techniques and treatments for each condition. In the conclusion, he shares that public awareness is necessary to gather more data on treating anxiety and depression.

2. Disorders Related to Anxiety and Loneliness by Woltjer Araujo

“Due to the difficulty many parents encounter in distinguishing anxiety disorders in children from typical childhood worries, anxiety disorders in children are frequently more difficult to diagnose than their adult counterparts.”

To help parents distinguish anxiety from childhood concerns, Araujo explains the most common anxiety disorders in children, like bullying, overthinking, and fear of going to and performing in schools. He focuses on GAD as it’s the most common among children.

He notes that formative, natural, and social interactions lead to persistent worry and other harmful effects. Araujo says Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is effective in youth with GAD, but future improvements are needed. 

3. Prevalence of Stress, Anxiety, Depression Among the General Population During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis by Nader Salari

“… it is essential to preserve the mental health of individuals and to develop psychological interventions that can improve the mental health of vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Salari et al. aim to show the impact of the pandemic on one’s mental health by examining various studies and research findings by other experts. According to their results, the prevalence of anxiety, stress, and depression increased during the pandemic for many reasons, like the rapid spread of the virus, stereotyping, and discrimination in the community.

Individuals’ emotions during the pandemic include the fear of getting sick or dying, confusion, and other negative feelings that lead to mental issues. Researchers also indicate that misinformation and false reports are the main reason for increased anxiety levels. 

4. To Help an Anxious Child, Start With Their Parents by Anonymous on NIH MedlinePlus Magazine

“… for children with an anxiety disorder, their feelings are more constant and intense. It can cause problems at school, disrupt their sleep, and prevent them from making friends.”

This article presents the results of an experiment by NIH and Yale Child Study Center on 124 children with anxiety disorders. The experiment required parents to be trained in understanding supportive ways they should respond to children’s anxiety while their children were asked to attend CBT. The investigation shows effective results in reducing a child’s anxiety and parents’ stress.

5. Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders by Alexander Bystritsky, M.D., Ph.D.

“Anxiety disorders can be effectively treated with psychopharmacological and cognitive–behavioral interventions. These interventions have different symptom targets; thus, logical combinations of these strategies need to be further studied in order to improve future outcomes.”

Bystritsky claims that increased morbidity, mortality rates, and substance abuse are from the government and medical experts’ neglect of anxiety disorders. The researchers discuss the dimensional and categorical approaches to diagnosing anxiety and use the ABC model to explain the biological and psychological factors that cause anxiety. 

Note: It’s vital to improve the readability score of your writing before publishing or submitting.

7 Prompts for Articles About Anxiety

1. What Is Anxiety?

Articles about anxiety: What is anxiety?
In your article, highlight the differences between anxiety and depression or explain why occasional anxiety isn’t the same as GAD

The primary purpose of this article is to end the readers’ confusion about anxiety. You achieve this by discussing relevant terms closely related to the subject, such as depression and anxiety disorder.

For example, you can highlight the differences between anxiety and depression or explain why occasional anxiety isn’t the same as GAD. Don’t forget to link reliable data describing the different levels of anxiety and when it becomes debilitating.

2. Climate Change and Anxiety

For this prompt, demonstrate the link between mental health and climate change by explaining how these events cause or increase anxiety. Then, discuss other mental issues influenced by climate change, such as PTSD, depression, and substance abuse.

Take sudden and critical news of a tsunami approaching a specific area as an example. In this situation, people who live near the sea have spiked anxiety as they rush to find a place where they and their families can be safe.

3. Anxiety at Schools

In this prompt, examine the common causes of student anxiety and how it affects their education and home life. Then, relay tips to help students overcome or cope with school-related anxiety. Include statistics and citations from various studies to prove your points and increase the credibility of your article.

4. How Does Anxiety Affect the Human Body?

When an individual fails to overcome or manage anxiety, it adversely affects their well-being. Use this prompt to identify and deliberate on the impacts of anxiety on a person’s mental and physical health. For instance, someone with high anxiety levels can also have digestive problems caused by stress that slows or fastens digestion. After, share tips on how they can alleviate these effects.

5. Scientifically Proven Ways To Overcome Anxiety

Scientifically proven ways to overcome anxiety
In this prompt, find the most effective and scientifically proven ways to deal with anxiety, such as behavioral therapy or breathing exercises

Because many people suffer from anxiety, in your essay you can offer helpful suggestions on how they can handle their condition. For this prompt, find the most effective and scientifically proven ways to deal with anxiety, such as behavioral therapy or breathing exercises. 

Tip: Beware not to offer false information. You must do thorough research and support the methods you list with proof of effectiveness from studies, interviews, and other trustworthy sources.

6. How Does Anxiety Become a Disorder?

Anxiety is the feeling or emotion, and anxiety disorder is the severe condition of anxiety. Use this prompt to discuss everything a reader must know about anxiety disorder, such as its definition, its difference from anxiety, and its types. Add the disorder’s typical causes and symptoms, including when it becomes excessive and detrimental to an individual.

7. Treating and Preventing Anxiety Disorders

For this prompt, determine how medical professionals diagnose anxiety disorder and the available treatments for each type. Then, identify ways to prevent anxiety from becoming a disorder. For instance, early diagnosis is critical to improving one’s anxiety disorder. You can use your article to persuade the readers to learn more about anxiety and get checked or treated.

Here’s our guide on persuasive writing to assist you. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
