Will AI Replace Copywriters?

Will AI replace copywriters? Artificial intelligence has become more powerful during the past few years, but will it replace human copywriters?

Today, the vast majority of people use the internet when they are looking for products and services they need. As a result, human copywriters have become integral to content marketing, and high-quality content writers are a cornerstone of most marketing campaigns. They have an intimate understanding of search engine optimization (SEO), know how to hold their target audience’s attention, and can produce unique content aimed at a specific market. As a result, they will not be replaced by AI copywriters in the next few years.

Machine learning has become more powerful during the past few years. As a result, AI copywriters have become better at generating content. Thanks to advancements in machine learning, AI content has become more compelling but still not strong enough to replace human copywriters. There are several reasons why. First, even though there are a lot of bots with various algorithms that can assist with content creation, AI writing will never fully replace human writers.

No matter how good a robot might be, it will never be able to produce content identical to a human being going through the creative process. On the other hand, there are situations where AI writing tools can be helpful. 

How Do AI Writing Tools Work?

AI writing assistants are sets of software tools that can automatically generate content given a specific set of parameters. The goal is to automate the process as much as possible, helping writers produce content for specific tasks. AI uses a specific tool called natural language processing, or NLP. It can help predict text based on a specific set of inputs. For example, they may produce product descriptions, social media posts, or marketing copy when given a specific set of rules to follow.

At the same time, AI writing tools are not meant to produce good copywriting right off the bat. Instead, an AI writing program aims to improve the quality of content by providing suggestions. There might be specific ideas, samples, or templates that writers can feed into the program before looking at the results. Then, writers can use the information from the program, fine-tune it, and make it their own. It could be a helpful tool for overcoming writer’s block, but it is not meant to do the job from start to finish. 

The Process of Creating Content

Some of the questions that human writers need to answer to produce quality content include:

  • What is the goal of this specific piece of content?
  • How do I want my audience to feel as they read this piece of content?
  • How have search engine algorithms changed recently?
  • Do I need to incorporate images or videos into this content?
  • Are there specific links that I need to add? 

An AI content generator might be able to churn out some short pieces, but it will never write content at the same level as a professional human copywriter.

Will AI Replace Copywriters?

Will ai replace copywriters?
AI will never replace human writers because human writers have qualities that AI writing software will never be able to replace

No, AI will never replace human copywriters. AI will never replace human writers because human writers have qualities that AI writing software will never be able to replace. While there have been a lot of advancements in the world of AI algorithms, they cannot replicate everything that human copywriters bring to the table. A few examples of qualities that humans have that AI cannot replicate include:


If you use artificial intelligence to help you with your writing, you will provide it with information that it can use to write different pieces of content. For example, it could include business slogans, social media posts, web pages, and short novels. On the other hand, if you ever read content written by an AI program, you will notice that there is one thing missing. The reality is that every AI program is limited by the number of words it knows.

The program can use only so many words, which is why everything an AI program writes appears robotic. The more involved the assignment guess, the less helpful the AI tool becomes. Human creativity is a critical part of the writing process, and it is not something that can be included in a simple program. 


Today, there are a lot of things that robots can do. For example, they can automate many clerical tasks we used to do by hand, but you cannot program feelings and emotions into a robot. Engineers and scientists are working to find ways to hold human emotions, but they have not yet been able to do so.

Experienced writers understand just how big of a role their emotions play in the writing process. Emotions are important because they allow us to feel the writer’s feelings. A writer is not simply trying to tell a story. A writer also tries to get their readers to feel a certain way. This is true whether you are writing marketing copy, a short story, or an epic novel.  Robots do not have emotions, so they do not understand the human experience. Without this emotional side, it isn’t easy to automate the process of producing compelling writing. 


Of course, artificial intelligence programs are not cheap. It is costly to build them, launch them, manage them, and use them. There is an entire team of data scientists, professional developers, and engineers behind every piece of AI software. It takes tremendous patience to get the program to operate as it should. Right now, it is still very affordable to hire a copywriter. Finding a writer and developing a relationship with them might be straightforward, but that copywriter is not nearly as replaceable as people think. A robot is far more expensive than a human writer and will not produce solid content. 

Why Use AI Writing Tools?

Even though it is clear that AI tools are not going to replace content writers anytime soon, writers can also take advantage of an AI tool to help them with their writing. Some of the ways AI tools can benefit writers include:

Generate Ideas Quickly

One of the biggest perks of using artificial intelligence is that it can generate ideas quickly. But unfortunately, even the best writers suffer from writer’s block from time to time. So it might be helpful to use an AI tool to develop some ideas quickly when it happens.

Even though writers will not be able to use everything that the AI tool comes up with, it can provide a source of inspiration. For example, if a writer struggles to figure out what to write about next, an AI tool can quickly generate a few ideas based on what is trending, what has been written before, or what is relevant for SEO purposes. Of course, different AI tools work differently, and writers need to find the right AI tool to work for them. 

Build an Outline

Another significant benefit of using an AI tool is that it can quickly build an outline. There are a lot of SEO artificial intelligence tools out there, and many of these tools will quickly produce an outline for content given a specific set of words and phrases. Then, it is the writer’s responsibility to fill in the rest of the assignment, figuring out how to incorporate terms in a way that makes sense. Finally, the artificial intelligence program will build the outline, and the human writer will complete the content with semantic grouping that makes sense. 

Conduct Research

There are also plenty of AI tools that can get started with some basic research. For example, many writers enjoy using AI tools to identify trending topics they can write about. There are also plenty of AI tools that can determine how to structure the content for SEO purposes.  Even though writers need to verify the validity of the research, AI tools can be a great place to start. For these reasons, artificial intelligence writing tools can be beneficial for writers. 

Disadvantages of AI Writing Software

There are a few features that AI writing tools cannot perform. Human copywriters need to consider what is missing when using AI writing tools. A few examples include:

Style and Tone

Today, a basic artificial intelligence reading platform will allow you to take a handful of words, import them into the tool, and look at the results. However, remember that AI tools have a minimal ability to comprehend anything outside of essential style and tone. Furthermore, many tools are limited in the number of words they can handle at a given time. If you tell your artificial intelligence tool to strike a professional tone, a comical tone, or a sad tone, it should be able to do that for you. You probably won’t find a lot of jokes in a professional article.

On the other hand, you can’t use an AI writing tool to communicate your brand’s specific voice. It takes a human writer to look at word choice, syntax, style preferences, and other elements integral to the tone of voice you want your brand to strike. If you allow the AI tool to make the final decisions, all of your writing will end up sounding like it could have been written for just about anyone. It takes a human writer to make it specific to your brand. 


You also need to think carefully about using AI tools for SEO purposes. These tools help you identify your marketing campaign’s most important terms and phrases. On the other hand, using an AI tool is a direct violation of Google’s guidelines. If you can identify content written by a robot, there is a good chance that Google can.

Even if you believe you can sneak a piece of content past Google’s guidelines, it will still take you a tremendous amount of work to fine-tune content that is good enough for search engines and a human audience. Therefore, if you are trying to orchestrate an effective SEO campaign, review all the content that AI tools have generated. You can certainly use these tools to identify words and phrases that will help you rank better, but you always need to edit the content before you decide to publish it. 


There are a lot of people who believe AI writing is very similar to magic. Unfortunately, that is not how it works. AI tools that generate content for you will read many other articles on a similar topic. Then, it will take that information, put it together in an article, and fine-tune it to give you what it thinks you want. Even though this could save you a significant amount of time, AI writing tools do not do any fact-checking for you. Even though these tools will probably make sure that you do not get any Copyscape hits, these are also tools that believe that anything that they read on the internet is true.

If you have spent time on the internet, you know that is not the case. So, how do you know if the content you have just generated is accurate? First, you need to read through it, double-check all of the information in the article, and make sure what you are publishing is true. Always do some fact-checking before you decide to publish something you have used AI to help write. That way, you ensure you share accurate information with your target market. 

Looking for more? Check out our round-up of the best citation software!
