What Is Business Writing? A Comprehensive Guide for Writers

What is business writing? Read on to learn exactly what business writing is and how you can become an effective business writer.

A business writer is a writer who specializes in writing on business-related topics. They also work to create written communication within a company or organization. This type of writer uses a specific and concise style to create written content that fits the needs of modern business.

No matter the industry, a business needs to have a lot of written content to communicate within the organization and market its services to potential customers and clients. As a result, many writers make a good income by becoming business writers. They learn how to write to match a brand’s tone and style, writing clearly and concisely to reach the target audience effectively.

A business writer must have specific skills to do their job well. They must be able to:

  • Write knowledgeably about business topics, including finance and economics
  • Write concisely and directly
  • Craft a variety of content types to fit the needs of a business
  • Write with proper grammar and syntax
  • Keep the values and goal of the company at the forefront of all written content

If you feel you would be a good fit as a business writer, keep reading to learn more about a business writer and how you can put your skills to work in the business world.

The Role of the Business Writer

Business writers have several roles within an organization, which determine the tasks the writer performs. Business writers may work on a freelance basis, partnering with several businesses to create content, or they may be hired directly by one company to work as an employee.

Business writing roles can often be remote work opportunities, as long as strong communication between the writer and the business is in place. These writers may be asked to write for the press or be required to write communication sent internally. Marketing and client-facing written communication is also common. Some of the daily activities you can expect to have as a business writer include:

Research and Interviews

To write for a business, you will need to have subject matter to write about. This often requires researching business-specific topics. Those could be topics about business in general, or they could be topics specific to your organization. Interviews are also common within the business world. For example, you might have to interview key players in your organization, government representatives, public figures, or even clients and customers. Check out our guide on the top automations every coaching business should implement.


Once you have the information necessary to write a piece, you must keep your research materials well organized. You will also need to know how to pull the most important information on the topic. Business writing is often quite short, and you need to be able to write succinctly on whatever topic you have on hand.

Content Creation

Once you have done the research and organized it, you are ready to start creating content. Many business writers create articles for print and web-based publications. In addition, they may be asked to make marketing copy and social media posts. Blogging and newsletter creation are also everyday writing tasks.

Business writers also write pieces aimed at communication. Letters and emails, for instance, communicate with other members of the company or its stakeholders. Business reports communicate how well or poorly a business is doing. White papers and case studies communicate a business’s effectiveness with customers and clients. All of these fall under the auspices of a business writer.

Examples of Business Writing

Business writing has four main goals. It can be:

  • Instructional: The goal of the writing is to instruct the reader about something related to the business.
  • Informational: Some writing aims to provide information to the reader.
  • Persuasive: This type of writing strives to persuade the reader to make a purchase or choice.
  • Transactional: Business contracts and similar documents are transactional, leading to a transaction or purchase.

All business writing has a clear purpose that is stated early in the piece. It uses simple sentences to convey accurate, relevant information to the reader without unnecessary jargon or buzzwords. There are many different types of business writing that writers can learn to bring benefits to their companies. Some examples include these:

Business Letters

Business letters have a formal letter format with a salutation and signature line. They introduce the subject in the first paragraph, use body paragraphs to support the main idea, and conclude with a call to action. You might also find our guide on the best business writing skills helpful.

Press Releases

Press releases announce a business development to news venues. They have a specific format with the city, state, and date in the heading and a boilerplate “about us” section after the news release. In addition, press releases will have quotes from stakeholders or business leaders to lend credibility to the information they contain.

Marketing Material

Marketing writing focuses on promoting the business and its products or services. Marketing materials can include social media posts, brochure copy, commercial scripts, and more. This type of copy aims to create a sale or land a new customer.

Website Copy

The modern business will have a website that serves as a primary source of marketing Websites need written copy and blog posts to reach people through search engine optimization. This type of business writing requires careful adherence to a company’s style guide and brand voice.


Memos are short letters sent to a group of people within an organization. They open with the main reason for the letter, which is usually an announcement of some sort, then provide additional information to back up the reason behind that main point—the header in these letters states who is receiving and who is sending the letter.


Handbooks outline the rules and conduct expectations for a business. Employee handbooks are given to employees to ensure they know what is expected. They can include information about dress codes, attendance policies, talking about the company on social media, and company communication.


What is business writing?
Business reports communicate how well or poorly a business is doing

Reports in a business setting describe an event or project and its outcome. They are factual and objective, providing necessary information without much commentary on that information.

Contracts and Proposals

Business contracts and proposals are common types of business writing when a transaction is at play. These help solidify the transaction or present what the business is bringing to the table for the transaction.


Many businesses send newsletters to their client base. These help keep the company’s name and service in the target audience’s minds. These have a journalistic style and must adhere to the business’s branding regulations.

FAQs About What Is Business Writing

Is business writing the same as professional writing?

Business writing is a type of professional writing that focuses on the business world or the needs of a business organization. Business writing strives to convey a clear, concise, and direct message to a specific target audience.

Why are business writing skills so essential?

Business writers are in high demand because businesses need skilled people to create written communication. Communication needs to be accurate and professional, and a skilled writer is key to that. Written content has become important as the Internet quickly becomes one of the best options for promoting a business and its services or products. Every modern business needs someone on its team who can write well; thus, people who develop their business writing skills are an asset to modern business.

Looking for more? Check out our round-up of the 7 best websites to find remote writing jobs!
