200 Simple Essay Topics for Intermediate Writers

Are you searching for simple essay topics to write about? See our list and discover simple subjects to spark creativity and develop writing skills.

Simple essay topic ideas are concise and clear but require critical thinking and investigation. Writers can use simple essay topic prompts to help generate ideas and get into the flow state of writing. By using writing prompts, you can begin writing and practice your essay skills easily without also needing to come up with a topic. If you’re interested in essay writing topics, check our guide with argumentative essays.

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Simple Narrative Essay Topics

Simple essay topics: Narrative example
Recount the situation and why you decided to stick to what you believed in, as well as the impact it had

Narrative essays encourage writers to be creative in telling a story. These stories are usually from personal experience and are often delivered in a way that elicits intense emotions for the writer and reader.

  1. The day I realized the importance of self-care.

Describe the circumstances that led to this realization and how you have incorporated self-care into your life.

  1. The moment I realized I wanted to pursue a certain career.

Describe the moment you knew what you wanted to do and what steps you took to achieve your goal.

  1. A time when I had to stand up for what was right.

Recount the situation and why you decided to stick to what you believed in, as well as the impact it had.

  1. A time when I learned a new skill.

Narrate why you wanted to learn the skill and describe how you learned it. Add how it has been helpful in your life.

  1. The instance I realized the importance of gratitude.

Walk the reader through the events that lead up to your realization and narrate the things that happened and went through your mind. Add how you have incorporated gratitude into your life.

  1. That time I tried to overcome my fear of heights.

Discuss your fear of heights and how it affected your life. Then, describe the times you’ve tried to overcome it and whether you succeeded or not. 

  1. A time when I helped someone in need.

Describe a time when you helped someone in need, and explain the situation. Tell the reader how you helped in detail and include how the person reacted.

  1. A time when I realized I was wrong.

For instance, you can recount your realization after an argument and then discuss your feelings following the event.

  1. A day in a life of…

Write a narrative essay about a day of someone or something interesting, like a doctor, musician, or maybe a pet.

  1. The best decision I’ve ever made.

Think of your many decisions and pick one that you think had the most positive impact on your life.

  1. A childhood memory I wish I could forget.

Narrate the childhood memory as you remember it and explain why you would rather not have it.

  1. An experience where technology has failed you.

Narrate a technology failure that you don’t want to happen again, such as the projector showing something else while you’re presenting in class, etc.

  1. The time I became a hero.

Retell the events of that instance and why you decided to become a hero. 

  1. The time I was a coward.

Contrary to the previous prompt, narrate a time when you refused to step up and explain your reason why.

  1. My most hurtful rejection.

Recount the events of that time and explain why it’s the most upsetting rejection for you.

  1. A life or death experience.

Narrate how the event took place and how it impacted your life.

  1. A time when I rebelled.

Recount your adventures when you were in a rebellious space and why you chose to act against the norm.

  1.  A made-up encounter with someone famous.

Tell your readers who you met, how you met them, and why you wanted to meet them.

  1. A moment when I felt proud of myself.

Talk about the event and describe the accomplishment, including why it was important to you.

  1. A time when I learned the importance of teamwork.

Think back to a time when working together helped the group achieve something, give details of the situation, the role you played in the team, and the lessons you learned.

  1. My first public speaking experience.

Give details of when and why it happened. Talk about what was running through your head and what you were feeling at the time.

  1. The worst news of my life.

Delve into what the news was and how it impacted your life.

  1. The one thing I can’t live without.

Identify the most special thing to you and explain why you hold it dear.

  1. My moral beliefs.

Pick the top moral beliefs you have and discuss and share how you use them to guide your life.

  1. A look at my nutrition.

Discuss the kind of food you eat regularly and narrate how you pick your foods. Look at your typical diet from a nutritional point of view and discuss your findings and thoughts.

  1. How I love myself.

Guide your readers to love themselves by sharing your journey on how you appreciate yourself through the years. You might also be wondering what is a synthesis essay?

Simple Descriptive Essay Topics

Descriptive essay topics aim to take the readers on a vivid journey through detailed descriptions of a person, event, or process. It’s a type of essay writing where the writer should show a comprehensive picture of the experience through words by appealing to the five senses.

  1. A day when everything went wrong.

Think of a day when everything you planned went down the drain. Remember to write in chronological order so the events that took place make sense for the readers.

  1. The legendary Napoleon Bonaparte.

Describe Napoleon’s achievements and reasons for going to war. 

  1. The top 10 most beautiful locations on Earth.

You can base your essay on a location show you watched on TV and describe the sites and what makes them exceptional.

  1.  A folk dance.

Detail the dancers’ costumes, the dance steps, and the atmosphere of the performance so the readers can imagine it as if they are watching the dance themselves.

  1. A family recipe.

Describe how the recipe is done and pay attention to the ingredients, the way of cooking, and the presentation of the food.

  1. How I imagine the Big Bang Theory.

Describe the Big Bang Theory and its specific details as if you witnessed this tremendous explosion.

  1. What is it like to be a Hollywood celebrity?

Present details on how an A-list celebrity lives by illustrating what their house, cars, and social circle look like.

  1. A day in the shoes of an Emergency Room doctor.

Explain how a doctor operates as an emergency responder. You can pull inspiration from medical dramas or interviews with real doctors.

  1. What it would be like to be the president of my country.

Imagine what it will be like if you are the leader of your country. Give specifics on material things, such as what your office looks like, or focus on describing your relationship with your constituents.

  1. A day with a just-married couple.

Describe how newlyweds act a day after they exchange vows. Describe their blushing faces, loud giggles, etc.

  1. A cozy, winter evening.

Point out what makes you cozy, whether it’s the lit fireplace, the piping hot cocoa, or the warm embrace of a lover.

  1. A pirate at sea.

Describe the life of a pirate, such as how they survive, plunder, and spend time at sea.

  1. The life of a pilot.

Describe what a pilot feels when entrusted to fly a plane. Describe the pilot’s expected actions, feelings, and thoughts.

  1. Going through the Drake Passage.

Detail your adventure through one of the roughest voyages by describing the currents, wind, and other factors that make the Drake Passage journey treacherous.

  1. The first time I discovered the internet.

Describe how it worked when you got a hold of it and include your thoughts during that first encounter.

  1. The pyramids of Egypt.

Present a detailed account of how they look in real life versus how they looked in photographs. Make it, so your readers feel like they’re in Egypt with you.

  1. The magic of Disneyland.

Describe what makes Disneyland a popular destination for children and adults. You can also include if the hype around Disneyland is worth it. 

  1. My favorite bookshop.

Describe what the bookshop looks like and why it’s your top pick. It can be because of the chill vibe, the cozy atmosphere, or the availability of many titles in the shop.

  1. An experience at a 5-star restaurant.

Take your readers to the top-rated restaurant and describe what’s in the place. Talk about the ambiance, the food, and the service.

  1. Mi Yue: The First Empress Dowager of China.

Describe the woman who became the first leader of China by becoming empress dowager and focus on her character and way of thinking. Write your essay as if you’re a close confidant of Mi Yue.

  1. Why New York is my favorite city.

Describe New York’s climate, population, and opportunities.

  1. My favorite band and their music.

Think of who you consider the best band and describe their music style, the member’s personalities, and their artistic involvement in creating music.

  1. Christmas traditions worldwide.

Investigate what people do during this holiday and describe each. Focus on the ones that are unusual compared to the American celebrations.

  1. Seven qualities of a great roommate.

Describe the perfect roommate who you want to share your place with.

  1. My first date.

Describe the details of the day, where you went, and how you and your date acted.

Simple Persuasive Essay Topics

Simple persuasive essay topics
Explain your position by discussing ethics and morality surrounding the subject euthanasia

Persuasive writing applies analysis and research to make a case for the writer’s opinion on a topic. Essay writing topics that fall under this category aim to change the readers’ opinion.

  1. Cell phones are bad for you.

Present research on the negative effects of prolonged use of cell phones. 

  1. Teachers should prioritize their students’ mental health.

Use your essay to urge teachers to be more aware of their student’s well-being and discuss school-related factors that lead to poor mental health, such as neverending assignments on top of other coursework demands.

  1. Children should not have social media accounts.

Present social networking sites’ harmful effects on children’s perceptions, such as unrealistic beauty standards, and support your claims with research and studies.

  1. Euthanasia should be illegal.

Explain your position by discussing ethics and morality surrounding the subject.

  1. Procrastination is good for you.

Explain the benefits of healthy procrastination and why people can’t avoid procrastination.

  1. Healthy eating should be taught in school

Discuss the benefits of eating a balanced diet, and how learning this from a young age can be helpful for life.

  1. Exotic plants should not be inside your home.

Convince your readers by listing the dangers of unknown plant species. Add cases where exotic plants harmed their owners.

  1. Humans are intrinsically good.

Cite sources to prove that humans are inherently good and just became terrible because of the way they were brought up or the negative experiences they suffered. 

  1. Parents should not be strict with their kids.

Present the negative impacts of being overprotective parents, such as the child being socially inept and having low self-esteem.

  1. Today’s celebrities are bad role models.

For instance, discuss the adverse effects of celebrities lying on their social media pages claiming they only post natural pics that aren’t edited. 

  1. Everyone should learn to play an instrument.

Encourage your readers to start their musical journey by expounding on the benefits of knowing how to play a musical instrument.

  1. Animal testing is necessary.

Work around the premise that animal testing leads to a better understanding of the human body and effective medications.

  1. Zoos should be abolished.

Talk about the reality that zoos keep animals away from their natural habitats for human appreciation.

  1. School breaks should be extended.

Persuade the readers that students deserve longer summer vacations by citing the positive impacts of the break on their well-being. 

  1. Winter is the best season.

Convince your audience that winter stands out among the rest for you. It can be because of fresh mornings, the holidays, etc.

  1. Smoking is bad for you.

Explain why an individual should avoid starting to smoke and convince a smoker to stop by presenting the adverse impacts of smoking on health.

  1. The internet should be free for all.

Highlight the importance of the internet and how it’s integrated into daily life. For instance, government offices require online registrations, and having free internet makes transactions easier and faster.

  1. Homework should be banned.

List the benefits of keeping schoolwork at school. Discuss how crucial children’s school-life balance is so they can function optimally and excel in their academics.

  1. Kids should have pocket money.

Add the benefits of letting children handle money at a young age. This includes teaching kids to budget and be financially literate.

  1. Physical education classes should not be required.

Highlight the usual problems of the subject, such as having too many students in one class, limited funding, etc.

  1. Every class should have a class pet.

Point out how having a class pet teaches children of responsibility and values by caring for another living being.

  1. You should grow your own food.

List the benefits of planting your own food, such as having fewer expenses and being healthier.

  1. It’s bad to have too much money.

Talk about the bad behavior people develop once they get their hands on a huge sum of cash.

  1. Bullies’ parents should be penalized.

Relate the subject to bad parenting, and penalizing parents can push them to educate their children to be better members of society.

  1. Pets should be allowed in school.

Some students find comfort in having their furry friends with them. Include any research on how being with their pets help students destress and learn better.

  1. Teachers deserve more pay.

Discuss the responsibilities of teachers and point out how mismatched their salaries are for their daily obligations.

Simple Argumentative Essay Topics

Argumentative essay topics require research and analysis to present more information on the essay subject. These interesting essay topics investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, and showcase your stance. 

  1. Does reality TV depict real life?

Include how scripted reality shows are to get audience engagement, but also mention that they are the closest to reality compared to dramas, etc.

  1. Do video games make children violent?

Add research supporting or debunking the claim, plus tips to assist parents in guiding their kids to separate games from real life.

  1. Do boys and girls face the same societal pressure?

Weigh society’s expectations of children based on their gender.

  1. Are schools currently handling bullying cases effectively?

Present the standard guidelines schools follow and point out the parts that work and don’t. Add your recommendation on how these flaws can be resolved.

  1. Do celebrities deserve more pay than the average person?

Present your evidence-based arguments on why there is a huge gap between TV personalities and office workers.

  1. Is capitalism ethical?

While some explain capitalism is inherently unethical, explain why it’s the dominant political and economic system in most Western countries.

  1. Should parents monitor their kids’ internet history?

Include reasons parents do this and offer tips on how to better connect with their children.

  1. Is climate change real?

Present factual evidence explaining this phenomenon, such as the greenhouse effect and its effects on the Earth.

  1. Should children have strict screen time?

Support your stance on the matter by linking to professionals’ opinions. Include any recommendations from qualified individuals and add the benefits of limited screen time on children’s development.

  1. Should the government do more to stop ‘”fake news”?

List the drastic impacts of spreading fake information online and how the government should handle these unverified particulars from supposed news outlets.

  1. Should the consequences of cyberbullying be more severe?

Offer cases where students feel powerless against their online bullies and the repercussions these offenders got, if any.

  1. Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

Argue whether healthcare should be infested with businesses looking for the most profits. Then, suggest changes to make healthcare more accessible for everyone. 

  1. Should cigarettes be illegal?

It’s common knowledge that smoking cigarettes have adverse effects on the body, so explain why it’s not entirely banned. Ensure to add relevant research or professional answers.

  1. Do celebrities deserve to have the same privacy as common people?

Argue whether they do or if they forfeited the right to privacy when they choose to step into the spotlight. 

  1. Should schools require uniforms?

Consider whether school uniforms are necessary for the education system.

  1. Should people be allowed to keep wild animals as pets?

Submit examples where humans successfully domesticated a wild animal but also mention instances when wild animals retaliated against their human carer, such as in the case of Travis the Chimp.

  1.  Should misbehaving students be expelled?

Discuss if students who misbehave should be expelled or not. Think about helping the kid rather than expelling them, and the pros and cons of this approach.

  1. Do chats and text messages deteriorate in-person communication skills?

Dive into how limiting communication to texts harms a person’s interpersonal skills. 

  1. Should AI for art be banned?

Include how AIs hurt artists’ livelihood, including how the new technology hijacks awards that should be reserved for humans. Provide compromise for AI users, such as creating a different category for AI works.

  1. Should video games be considered a sport?

Present both sides of the argument on whether video games should have a spot next to chess or basketball. Take your side and defend it by considering the players’ skills, training, and strategies. 

  1. Is graffiti art?

Define what falls under graffiti and mull over its overlap with the definition of art. Include how graffiti’s reputation in the art community has changed.

  1. Do we still need libraries?

Since most books can be accessed online today, the expense of libraries is now becoming an issue. To support your argument, highlight the other benefits of libraries, such as providing a safe place for students, etc.

  1. Should classrooms have surveillance cameras installed?

Add the benefits of having a camera to monitor students’ and teachers’ behaviors, but also include the possible abuse of power that comes with it.

Simple Expository Essay Topics

Expository writing informs, describes, or explains a subject matter. Expository essay topics also include clarifying a point of view, belief, or process.

  1. The importance of time management.

Talk about the importance of managing time effectively and add tips to develop the readers’ time management skills.

  1. The rise of veganism.

Describe the trend of veganism and discuss its growing popularity, including reasons why people choose to adopt this lifestyle.

  1. The role of music in our lives.

Point out the benefits music offers and explore the different ways it can influence our moods and emotions.

  1. The importance of self-care.

Delve into why taking care of oneself physically and mentally is critical. Then provide examples of different self-care practices that people can engage in.

  1. The history of the Olympic Games.

Trace the history of the Olympic Games from ancient Greece to the present day, highlighting key events and changes that have occurred over time.

  1. The benefits of using a bike.

Pin down the advantages one can get when preferring riding a bike over other modes of transportation. 

  1. The benefits of travel.

Talk about why we should travel, including exposure to different cultures, personal growth, and new experiences. Mention examples of different types of travel that an individual or group should try.

  1. The role of art in society.

Examine the importance of art in society and how it can reflect and influence cultural values and beliefs.

  1. The effects of social isolation.

In relation to the 2020 pandemic, dive into the impacts of social isolation on mental health and consider strategies for coping with loneliness and deteriorated communication skills.

  1. The effects of sleep deprivation.

Connect sleep deprivation to physical and mental health issues. You can also add ways how can improve their sleep schedule.

  1. The importance of financial literacy.

Discuss the importance of knowing how to manage money and offer tips for developing better financial management skills.

  1. The role of sports in society.

Explain why sports are a constant in communities and cite which sports usually influence social values and bring people together.

  1. The impact of social justice movements.

Define social justice movements and their importance in societal changes. Add any progress that has been made through these movements and add the challenges that remain.

  1. The importance of going to school.

Determine the benefits of staying in school and how it helps the student in the future.

  1. The impact of globalization on culture.

Describe how globalization has impacted culture worldwide, including both positive and negative effects.

  1. The benefits of a healthy diet.

Describe what we can gain from a healthy diet and provide the reader with ways to incorporate healthy foods into meals. 

  1. The history of capital punishment.

Talk about how the death penalty started and the cases that led to its abolishment in some states in the US.

  1. The reason why students drop out of college.

Identify the common reasons why students stop attending classes, such as pressure to achieve high grades, poor mental health, and social challenges.

  1. The reason you can eat too much candy.

Present the harmful effects of too much sugar in the body.

  1. Why I believe my dad is a hero.

Explain your point of view and mention your father’s special characteristics that you think are worthy of calling him a hero.

  1. Why kids should learn math.

Mention the benefits of learning math early on and how math meshes with every aspect of human life.

  1. Why World War I happened.

Identify the events that sparked the first World War.

  1. Why rules are important.

Present why rules are made and how they keep the peace or organize things. 

  1. The history of the English language.

Talk about the invasions that affected the language’s creation and how it became how we know it today.

  1. Why I enjoy swimming.

Explain the process you follow when swimming and share why you relax through swimming.

  1. Why I believe in destiny.

Incorporate your religion or just your individual faith, like karma, etc., to explain why destiny makes sense to you.

Simple Informative Essay Topics

Informative essay topics are factual and are delivered to add to the readers’ knowledge. In writing informative essay topics, it’s best to let the audience discover the information as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

  1. Global changes brought on by the 2020 pandemic.

Talk about the noticeable changes the world adapted to continue living despite the COVID-19 pandemic. This may include more online work and virtual classes. 

  1. How to use social media responsibly.

Offer tips on how one can navigate toxic social networking sites and filter social media posts

  1. How to do CPR.

Teach your readers how to respond properly to an emergency. Only get your information from a credible source.

  1. How to make a budget.

Present an easy way to budget finances.

  1. How to stop a bad habit.

Recommend common but effective ways to kick a bad habit out of one’s life. 

  1. How to wrap a gift.

Create a step-by-step process that’s easy to follow.

  1. Women and their role in the workplace over the years.

Offer significant information and key changes women enjoyed throughout history involving their workplace responsibilities. 

  1. How Victorian women dressed.

Talk about an interesting stage in fashion and explain how women in the 19th century choose what to wear. 

  1. Explain how the American judicial system works.

Be careful not to go into too much detail. Explain the process in the simplest way possible.

  1. Explain the life cycle of a butterfly.

Add the wonders of nature and other interesting facts about the butterfly and its metamorphosis.

  1. The reason leaves change color in autumn.

Share this interesting process with the readers with the least scientific terms possible. For instance, instead of saying “chlorophyll,” you can refer to it as the “pigment that makes plants green.”

  1. The life of Michael Jackson.

Go through the key moments of the life of someone famous to get your reader’s attention and deliver facts.

  1. The process of making a movie.

Explain how movies come to life. It’s best to choose one movie and focus on its production.

  1. How to cook a traditional recipe.

Guide the readers by creating a step-by-step process of making the meal. Choose something you’re familiar with because it’s a part of your culture.

  1. What is noise pollution?

Determine the sources of noise pollution, like loud music, horns, etc., and why they are considered such.

  1. How were the pyramids in Egypt made?

Help the readers understand how the pyramids became a great symbol for Egypt and explain the process enslaved people followed to make them sturdy and mighty.

  1. How to prepare for a campsite.

Add the benefits of being in nature and tips camp-goers should keep in mind.

  1. How to tie a necktie.

Go over the steps an individual should follow when dealing with a necktie. These steps should be described in the simplest way possible.

  1. How fashion evolved throughout history.

Consider the elements that affected people’s choice of fashion during different time periods.

  1. How to plan a party.

Guide your readers on how they can successfully have a party. Offer checklist party organizers should know.

  1. Describe an element in the periodic table.

If you’re a fan of science, pick your element and explain its makeup and common uses.

  1. The character development of Prince Zuko in The Legend of Aang.

If you have a series you’re fond of, write an essay on your favorite character and how the showrunners demonstrated his growth.

  1. The process of making a song.

Go to your favorite band’s online account, and they may have videos detailing their music process.

Simple Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Compare and contrast essay topics can be about two or more subjects and their similarities and differences. Good essay topics under this category point out the distinctions and resemblances of the subjects.

  1. National Parks and Zoos.

Explain the difference between the two and which is better for the animals regarding their safety and quality of life.

  1. Summer Vacation: Stay in or Get out?

Include the pros and cons of each and point out if they have anything in common.

  1. Netflix or YouTube?

Discuss which one has more value for its users.

  1. Books or Tablets?

Consider the situations a user might prefer one over the other.

  1. Private Schools vs. Public Schools.

Discuss the different aspects of private schools and public schools. This can include the expenses, and quality of learning.

  1. Letter Grades or Number Grades.

After pointing out the similarities between the two grading systems, choose one and explain why it’s better for you. For example, number grades should be recommended because it shows the exact percentage of the student’s class standing.

  1. Rescue or Buy a Pet?

Weigh which is better with respect to various factors such as the adopter’s wants and capacity for caring for a rescue. 

  1. Coke or Pepsi?

Here’s a fun one – compare and contrast the taste of these two similar soft drinks and share why one is more popular.

  1. First day vs. Last Day of School.

Go through each day’s events and compare and contrast your thoughts and feelings during each time. Add any realizations and changes you went through.

  1. Parents and Grandparents.

Point out the same things your parents and grandparents do, then dive into their distinct behaviors, and moral beliefs. 

  1. Anxiety and Depression.

Most people often use these terms interchangeably. In your essay, clearly state the definitions of the two and point out where they overlap.

  1. Owning a Car vs. Using Public Transport

Add the pros and cons of each and the best time to use one over the other.

  1. iPhone vs. Android

Join the hot debate on this discourse. Be careful to get insights from both parties and verify your sources.

  1. Basketball vs. Volleyball

Succinctly explain the rules of each game and then discuss what makes these two sports popular.

  1. Vegetarian vs. Vegan

Many mistakes these two terms as having the same meaning, so start your essay by identifying what sets them apart. Then, delve into their similarities and distinctions in a more detailed manner.

  1. Gen X and Gen Z

Explore the beliefs the two generations support or despise, then tackle their main differences.

  1. Equality vs. Equity

Another pair of confusing terms that’s a great topic for a compare-and-contrast essay.

  1. Phone calls vs. Texting

Include the situations where one fits better than the other.

  1. Online shopping vs. Brick and mortar stores

Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of online shopping and shopping in-store. Such as being able to try on clothes in stores, and the convenience of ordering clothes online at home.

Simple Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Cause and effect essay topics put the thesis statement in the introduction, focusing on the relationships between conditions and their consequences. It can also discuss the events between the causes and effects.

  1. Social media and productivity.

Analyze how time spent on social networking sites, such as LinkedIn, can positively impact a person’s job efficiency.

  1. Cell phones and sleep.

Discuss how cell phones disrupt a person’s sleep cycle.

  1. Texting and driving.

Include cases where drivers were punished.

  1. America’s independence.

Retell history and briefly narrate US’ liberation from the UK. Ensure to relay the events that instigated the US’s call for freedom.

  1. Social media and adolescent development.

Criticize the negative results of unrealistic standards that social media sells to naive teenagers.

  1. Privilege and financial success.

Use this essay to discuss nepotism and how the kids of rich people will be financially successful despite not having to work.

  1. Peer pressure and decision-making.

Impressionable children are easily influenced by their peers. Include ways children can resist negative peer pressure in your essay.

  1. Youth sports and kid’s development.

Point out how kids’ development is affected by these sports events. These impacts can be good or bad.

  1. The attack of Pearl Harbor.

Look back on history and recount the causes that led to the bombing.

  1. Childhood trauma and development.

Research how childhood trauma manifests in an adult’s life.

  1. Stress and work performance.

You can talk about the stress of work and how it can negatively impact performance.

  1. Fast food and obesity rates.

Analyze how fast food consumption contributes to obesity and offer ways to encourage healthier eating habits.

  1. COVID-19 and mental health.

Discuss how the 2020 pandemic affected most people’s mental health. 

  1. Poverty and education.

Concentrate on how poverty affects access to education. Present potential solutions to address this education gap.

  1. Social media and plastic surgery.

Tackle how social media hype plastic surgery and how it distorts reality for young individuals like middle school and high school students.

  1. Technology and privacy.

Explore how technology twisted our sense of privacy and add any solutions to protect our security better. 

  1. Sleep deprivation and academic performance.

Sleep habits are critical to performing well in class. Guide your readers on how to have better sleep habits.

  1. Plastic pollution and oceans.

Raise awareness of the continuous pollution of the ocean and add any organized effort to combat it.

  1. Religion and society.

Identify the significant effects of religious groups on how society works.

  1. Substance abuse and the youth.

Pinpoint the specific causes of this crucial social issue, like chaotic home life or trauma, and provide ways to mitigate these causes.

  1. Homeschooling and child development.

Expose how homeschooling impacts kids’ growth compared to if they are enrolled in the classroom.

  1. Business and global warming.

Recognize the major business’ contribution to the planet warming up.

Simple College (Application) Essay Topics

College essays let incoming college students introduce themselves to their university. In these applications, the writers must demonstrate their intellectual skills and explain why they want to be a part of the institution.

  1. A meaningful experience that changed my outlook on life.

Reflect on an experience that significantly impacted your worldview or perspective. Describe the event, how it made you feel, and how it altered your outlook on life.

  1. A moment of personal triumph.

Think about when you overcame a challenge or accomplished something you were proud of. Explain why this experience was meaningful to you and how it shaped your character or outlook. 

  1. My biggest fear and how I overcame it.

Talk about what you fear the most and how you pushed yourself to face it.

  1. A difficult decision I had to make.

Describe the decision, how you weighed the pros and cons, and what you ultimately decided.

  1. Why I believe in diversity in higher education.

Showcase your beliefs on important matters and add how your diverse background can contribute to the university.

  1. A time when I demonstrated my leadership skills.

These roles can be in your previous school, community organizations, etc.

  1. Why education is critical to reaching my personal and career goals.

Share these goals and write about how a college education will help you achieve them. Add any skills or knowledge you want to gain at the university.

  1. Overcoming my greatest obstacle.

Discuss how you tackled adversity by working to overcome an obstacle. This could be a disability, challenging home circumstances, grief, experiencing discrimination, or even moving city.

  1. Challenging a belief.

Focus your essay on a time when you challenged someone’s beliefs that you perceived as harmful to society. Discuss your stance on the issue and how you highlighted these concerns in your argument.

  1. My personal growth journey.

Use this prompt to highlight an achievement that furthered your personal growth. This could be a small moment of realization that changed your perspective or something greater that shook your world.
