What is The PAS Copywriting Framework?

The PAS Copywriting framework is a writing formula that anyone who writes copy should learn because of its simplicity and effectiveness.

Many writers have problems producing copy that converts into sales.

You’re agitated with writer’s block staring at a blank word document thinking of what to write. Finally, your creative juices start flowing and you come up with what you feel will be great copy only to see measly results.

The simple solution to fix writer’s block is the PAS Copywriting Framework. This is one of the most effective copywriting formulas anyone can learn. Save precious time and get results with the PAS Framework or copywriting formula.


What Is The PAS Copywriting Framework

PAS stands for Problem Agitatate Solution. It’s one of the most basic writing formulas anybody writing a piece of copy can use. You can use it for almost any type of copy such as emails, social media posts, or landing pages.

You state the problem, show the agitation the reader is experiencing then offer the solution. If you refer back to the intro of this article I used the PAS Framework.

In the first sentence, the problem is stated. In the following two sentences, I talk about the agitation or frustration the reader experiences. Then the last three sentences, I talk about the benefits of the PAS framework.

Let’s dig a little deeper into each part of the template.

Problem is the easiest part of the framework. You’re simply stating what the problem your audience is experiencing. This part is usually the shortest part of the framework.

The key thing to stating the problem is trying not to state it as a question. Instead of saying “Are you having trouble having your copy convert into sales?” It’s better to say something like “Many people have problems having their copy converting into sales.”

Can you figure out why the 2nd option is the better sentence for your copy?

The importance of your first sentence.

You don’t want to give your reader a reason to not read your copy, ESPECIALLY IN THE FIRST SENTENCE!

By asking a yes/no question in the first sentence, you give the reader an out because if they say no, then there’s no reason to continue reading. Asking the question later in the copy isn’t a great idea, but it can still work and is a lot better than asking it initially.

The job of your first sentence is to get them to read the second sentence. And if they say no to that first sentence then the sentence failed to do its job. You can also check out our copyediting vs. copywriting guide.


Agitate is where you build the emotion. A common issue non-converting copy has is it lacks emotion.  The agitate section is where you want to focus on building that emotion.

Remind the reader of the agitation, frustration, and anger they experience because of the problem you stated.  Use your words to paint a picture of what their journey is like when they come across the problem. You want to point out all those negative emotions they face when they experience the problem.

Hitting the pain points.

In my example, I go over writer’s block and ultimately not experiencing the results the copy is expected to generate. That’s the real journey a writer goes thru when they’re writing anything.

Writer’s block wastes a lot of time and frustration. And after all that, they still don’t get the results they’re looking for.

The more detailed, emotional, and specific you can make the Agitate section the better. It’s a lot easier to sell your copy when you can dig into the pain points they’re experiencing.

Dig deep into the pain to get your hooks in.

Sure maybe you have problems with your copy converting into sales. But is that alone going to make you want to learn how to improve your copy? Maybe, maybe not.

But if we dig into the frustration of dealing with writer’s block, the time wasted, etc. you’re more likely to want to learn more. Yes, the Problem part of the framework will have some people interested in learning how to improve their copywriting. But it’s the Agitate part that’s going to have the bulk of your audience interested.

And for the one’s already interested after reading the problem section, this section will have them hooked and begging for your solution.


PAS copywriting framework

The solution is the final part of this PAS copywriting formula. The solution part is usually the longest part of the formula.

By now your audience realizes they have a problem, and they’re frustrated enough that they’re open to a solution to fix their problem. Here’s where you start closing them on the benefits of what you have to offer.

Sell the sizzle, not the steak.

The mistake writers make when they do the Solution section of the template is talking about the features. You want to focus on the result they’ll get from your solution not on how the solution fixes their problem.

If you refer to the example in the intro I never mentioned the parts of the PAS framework, how to do the PAS framework or anything the PAS framework entails. All I talk about are the benefits of using the PAS framework.

So what?

A simple way to make sure you focus on the benefits is to start asking “so what?” as you go over the solution section. Let’s say I’m selling you a book on the PAS framework.

I tell you the book will reveal to you the simple copywriting PAS formula. Ok… but so what?

PAS stands for Problem, Agitate, Solution and it will help you write better copy. So what?

Writing better copy will help your business make more sales. Finally, there’s the benefit!

You could go even deeper and keep asking “so what” but hopefully that gives you a better idea of how to focus on the benefits, not the features.

The job of your copy is to click on your CTA Call to Action.

Maybe you want them to click on your landing page if it’s an email or social media ad. If it’s a blog post maybe you want them to click on your website. If it’s a webinar maybe you want them to book a call.

The PAS framework isn’t meant to close your audience on your offer, it’s meant to prime them to take the next step in your sales cycle.

The Final Word on The PAS Copywriting Framework

The simplicity of the PAS Copywriting framework makes it one of the best copywriting formulas for even the most novice copywriter to use. It also fits the AIDA Model many marketing messages use to convert the reader.

To effectively sell any product or service the customer must realize they need your offer. Anything else is a copywriting mistake.

Stating the problem they face does that and gets their attention. Hitting their emotional buttons by going over how it agitates them is where the interest and desire builds. Sharing the benefits of your solution will want them to learn more about your offer, driving them to your call to action.

Check out this Casio CZ -230s ad and see if you can spot the Problem, Agitate, and Solution parts of the ad. If you can spot them then you’re ready to write great copy using the PAS template. If you still need help, we’ve also compiled a resource of the best copywriting books.
