Novel Idea Of Free Book Vending Machine A Big Hit

Vending machines are synonymous with giving people their sugar fix, but we have just come across one that can give you a healthy dose of literature.

The Corn Exchange in Manchester has put a book vending machine in their foyer. Anyone who wants to use the machine simply has to bring along a book they no longer want and exchange it for a token, and that token can be used to get a fresh read from the machine.

The books are free of charge, with users invited to use the system as many times as they like.

To promote the use of this machine, The Corn Exchange has developed leaflets that read: “We hope you enjoy your book and look forward to welcoming you back. READ. SWAP. REPEAT.”

Alison Hogarth, the marketing manager at the venue, is reported by Secret Manchester as saying she could not be happier to see the popularity of the idea. She said: “We are delighted to have installed our book vending machine at The Corn Exchange and are excited to start a community of book lovers and to see what the people of Manchester are reading.

“All the books in our machine will be second-hand so we can do our bit to keep a small amount of pre-loved books in circulation to help the environment, which is something we are really pleased about.”

The Corn Exchange’s website also gives details on what kind of literature you will find in the vending machine.

It reads: “You won’t find rows and rows of the same book in the machine, (as) we’ve stocked our machine with a great mix of ‘pre-loved’ books of all genres, so every visit, you will find something different!”

If you are in Manchester, you can find the vending machine located at the Fennel Street exit of the Corn Exchange building.
