Letter M Worksheet Printout

Make the most of ‘M’ with our magnificent Letter M Worksheet!

What Makes the Letter M Special?

The Memorable M: ‘M’ is memorable and versatile, appearing in “moon,” “mountain,” and “mouse.”

Music and Magic: ‘M’ starts magical words like “music,” “magic,” and “mystery,” sparking imagination.

Letter M Activities

Music with M: Make simple musical instruments and create a band that plays only ‘M’ music with maracas, mandolins, and more.

Mystery Box: Fill a box with various items starting with ‘M’ and let kids guess what they are by feeling them.

Mood words: Use this list of mood words to write a story.

Make Music: Provide instruments or household items as instruments starting with “M”.

Movement Matters: Lead kids in physical activities where the name starts with “M”.

Map It Out: Provide a map to find locations of things starting with “M”.

Memory Game: Lay out cards and have kids flip to find the matches starting with “M”.

Show Me “M”: Hold up flashcards and have kids come up to point out or touch the “M”.

Letter M Worksheet Printable

Make your mark tracing the letter M with our marvelous, easy-to-use Letter M worksheet.

Letter M worksheet printable
Letter M printable