Introduction Sentence Examples: Top 4 Tips and Guide

Your first sentence has to grab the reader’s attention. Take a look at a few of the top introduction sentence examples below for inspiration.

You may have written a powerful essay, but the reader will not read the rest of it unless you grab their attention. The introductory sentences of your first paragraph must explain the topic. 

Accomplishing this can be a challenge, so take a look at a few of the top introductory sentence examples and tips below.

How To Write an Introductory Sentence

There is no trick to writing an introductory sentence. You may feel a lot of pressure as you try to craft the words that will adequately grab your reader’s attention while conveying the information below.

Even though it can be stressful, you may want to leave your opening sentence until the end unless you already have a perfect idea. As long as you remember why your essay is critical, focus on the topic, and deliver a bit of emotion, you should have a strong first sentence.

If you struggle to develop a strong first sentence for your essay, take a few examples.

The Top Tips for Writing a Strong First Sentence

Introduction sentence examples
remember why your essay is critical, focus on the topic, and deliver a bit of emotion, you should have a strong first sentence

If you are looking for a few additional tips that can help you write a solid first sentence, some of the advice you may want to follow include:

1. Outline the Paper First

Think about outlining the paper before you get started with the first sentence. You probably already have a lot of research you want to include in the report, or you may want to have a few statistics that you cover. Think about how you will break them up in your paper. How many paragraphs are you going to have? Then, you can get to work thinking about how you want to introduce these various points throughout the essay.

2. Be Clear

As you write your topic sentences, you must be clear. Even though you have much information you want to cover, try not to pack too much information into the first sentence. Show the reader why the topic is essential, and do not beat around the bush. After the first sentence, the reader should be able to identify the main point of that paragraph. Then, you can fill out the rest of the section with the supporting information.

3. Be Intentional With Your Word Choice

You need to think carefully about the words you choose for your topic sentence. Why did you decide to pick those specific words? What types of emotions do you want the reader to feel? How do you think the reader will interpret that topic sentence when combined with the rest of the paragraph? Think carefully about the words you want to use in your topic sentences.

4. Craft Transitions

It would help if you also crafted skillful transitions. As you move from paragraph to paragraph. Even though you want to link each topic sentence to the thesis statement at the top, you also need to connect the sections. What order do you want to present your thoughts in? How can you draw a roadmap for your reader that will make it easier for them to follow the paper as it goes along? Remember that you should choose different transitions for different paragraphs. That way, the essay does not seem monotonous.

These are a few essential points you should keep in mind as you craft your topic sentences. If you are unsure how the reader will interpret specific sentences in your essay, you may consider getting someone else to read it. Then, ask them for their thoughts. They might have a few tips you can follow to improve the quality of your topic sentences.

Present the Topic Sentence Followed by a Controlling Idea

Consider presenting the topic sentence followed by the main idea. This can be a great way to start an essay or paragraph because it clearly states the concept at the top. A few examples include:

There are numerous reasons why the pollution in X town is harming the health of its inhabitants.

  • The topic of this essay is pollution in X town. Then, the main idea is the “numerous reasons.”

If you want to be a strong leader, there are specific characteristics you must have.

  • The topic of this essay is “to be a strong leader.” Then, the main idea is the “certain characteristics.”

Global warming has a wide variety of possible contributing factors.

  • The topic of this essay is “global warming.” Then, the main idea is the “contributing factors.”

Those who hunt for treasure will encounter a wide variety of difficulties. 

  • The topic of this essay is “hunt for treasure.” Then, the main idea is the “wide variety of difficulties.”

There are several reasons why dogs make such good pets.

  • The topic of this essay is “dogs make such good pets.” Then, the main idea is the “several reasons.”

If you want to write a strong topic sentence, you may want to consider structuring your introductory sentence in this way.

Use Your Topic Sentences To Transition

If you want to improve your writing, you can also structure your topic sentences as a transition from the previous paragraph to the next. Some of the examples you may want to consider include:

  • Because there are so many options available, you need to combine your research and personal preferences while remodelling your bathroom.
  • While having a baby is certainly something to be excited about, if this is your first child, you may encounter a lot of significant adjustments in your life.
  • Even though purchasing a second property can be a great way to diversify your investments, you must make sure you are financially prepared before you buy a second property.

Notice how these topic sentences appear to transition from another topic covered in the previous paragraph. This makes it easier for your readers to follow along.

Examples To Consider

Some of the first sentence examples you may want to consider for your essay include: 

Introduction Sentences for Blog Posts

If you are writing a blog post, you need to get to the point immediately. You must have your reader’s attention and make sure they want to keep going. A few examples of powerful introductory sentences for blog posts include:

  • If you want to maximize your social media portfolio followers, five tips can help you.

This sentence clearly explains to the reader what to expect in the rest of the post.

  • If diet and exercise alone are not enough to help you lose weight, look at some pearls from health experts.

This intro hits the reader’s pain point and discusses how the post will address it.

  • If you follow these key points, saving for retirement doesn’t have to be unlocked to get a challenge. 

This intro sentence identifies the problem and explains how it will be solved.

If you follow these examples in your blog posts, you will have an easier time holding your audience’s attention. 

Introduction Sentence for News Articles

An introductory sentence for a news article is similar. It should identify the topic and grab the reader’s attention. A few examples include:

  • President Tayyip Erdogan said NATO-member Turkey couldn’t support plans by Sweden and Finland to join the pact, given that the Nordic countries were “home to many terrorist organizations.”

This introductory sentence is from an article on Reuters and grabs the reader’s attention by highlighting critical implications regarding NATO. 

  • A 21-year-old Russian soldier went on trial Friday in Kyiv for the killing of an unarmed Ukrainian civilian, marking the first war crime prosecution of a member of the Russian military.

This introductory sentence is from an article by the AP and gets to the point immediately. 

  • At least 11 people died, and 38 others were rescued after a boat carrying migrants capsized on Thursday about 10 miles north of Desecheo Island, P.R., the U.S. Coast Guard said on Friday.

This introductory sentence from the New York Times uses statistics to paint a clear picture for the reader. 

Consider following these examples if you need to write a news article either for educational purposes or as part of your job.

Considerations for Your Introductory Sentence

Now that you have seen a few powerful examples of topic sentences, you might think about getting started yourself. It would help if you had several considerations in your mind as you craft your topic sentence. 

  • Think about including a question to get your reader thinking.
  • Consider including a quote from a relevant expert in the field.
  • Draw from your own experiences if you want to inject a bit of emotion into the topic sentence.

If you think about including these points in your introductory sentence, you should have an easier time convincing your reader to continue with the rest of your essay.

If you still need help, our guide to grammar and syntax explains more.
