How to Use Grammarly Generative AI: 15 Top Suggestions

If you’re wondering how to use Grammarly generative AI, we’ve compiled 15 suggestions.

If you already have Grammarly, you know it’s a lifesaver for catching spelling and grammar errors, but it can do so much more these days.

Given that ChatGPT garnered one million users within 5 days of its launch, it’s clear the AI trend isn’t slowing down.

Grammarly’s new generative AI assistant will help you create a piece of writing on-demand, rewrite content, ideate a draft, and even craft email replies – all in your tone of voice.

You must have a premium Grammarly account to use Grammarly’s generative AI assistance. Here are 15 suggestions for this AI communication assistance to get you started. You might also be interested in our round-up of articles about artificial intelligence.

Watch Our Video on How to Use Grammarly AI to Write

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From $12 Per Month

We tested dozens of grammar checkers, and Grammarly is the best tool on the market today. It'll help you write and edit your work much faster. Grammarly provides a powerful AI writing assistant and plagiarism checker.

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1. Fixing Complex Grammar and Spelling Errors

Fixing complex Grammar and spelling errors
Grammarly is a good choice for fixing mistakes

The original purpose of Grammarly was to correct spelling and grammar errors. You can still do this using Grammarly’s generative AI assistance.

Grammarly will flag more complex spelling and grammar errors than the free checkers with most word processors like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. You can correct wordy sentences and passive voice with a click of a button. If you’re using jargon Grammarly doesn’t recognize, you can add it to your personal dictionary so it won’t be flagged as a mistake.

It will also notify you of terms that may be considered insensitive or offensive, and suggest a replacement.

2. Rewriting Sentences and Paragraphs

If you have a point you want to get across, but can’t find the words to express it, this writing assistant will help you get those thoughts onto paper. As mentioned earlier, Grammarly’s standard spelling and grammar checker will suggest ways to cut down wordy sentences or alert you if you’ve used too much passive voice.

If those changes aren’t enough, the new AI feature can completely rewrite sentences and paragraphs while still keeping the overall sentiment intact. Input what you want to convey into GrammarlyGo and watch it rewrite your words in seconds. You can play around with the tone to ensure your copy is appropriate for work, school, or personal correspondence.

3. Expand and Shortening Sentences

One of the barriers to good writing is questionable sentence lengths. Too long sentences are difficult to follow, but using very short sentences isn’t pleasant to read, either. Having a uniform sentence length throughout a passage feels unnatural to readers.

Grammarly AI will help your writing flow better by altering sentence length. You can enter the sentences individually and inform Grammarly whether you want to expand or shorten it. You might even get more specific again and set a word limit. Grammarly will rewrite your content without altering the meaning.

4. Research

There are more than one billion websites today, making online research daunting. AI tools can double as research tools as you can have Grammarly AI search for sources. Type in the research topic and allow Grammarly to provide a list of sources. After that, read through the most relevant ones to find the necessary information.

This feature is perfect for fiction writers who want to include real-world data in their books but don’t want research to distract from the writing process.

AI can also help organize research for competitive analysis or customer case studies. Finally, students writing academic essays or literature reviews can also benefit if they write their assignments themselves.

5. Writing Headlines

Your headline makes or breaks an article. No matter how informative the content is, if your headline doesn’t entice readers they won’t give it a chance. It’s also vital for SEO to ensure your content ranks on search engines.

Knowing how to create a short yet intriguing headline with the right amount of detail is something even the most experienced writers sometimes struggle with.

You can save yourself the hassle by informing Grammarly’s generative AI assistant of what your article is about and allow to come up with a range of headlines to choose from.

This feature can also be used to create your professional headline on LinkedIn so you can make a good first impression with prospective employers or colleagues.

6. Writing Email Subject Lines

Like headlines, writing email subject lines can be harder than they look. You need to convey what the email is about in a concise manner that informs the recipient of the importance or urgency.

A vague subject line will confuse your recipient, but one that’s too long will be cut off. There’s also the tone to consider, as you might include emojis in emails to friends but not to your boss.

You can briefly inform GrammarlyGo of the email and choose from several email subject lines. Check out our guide on content creation tips.

7. Paraphrasing and Summarizing

If you’re writing an essay, you might struggle to paraphrase the content from a source. Alternatively, if your company is trying to repurpose old content, you may want to freshen it up or add a new summary at the end.

After all, since many readers only skim-read content these days, your content or marketing team might decide to start summarizing your blog posts at the beginning or end to ensure readers are informed.

You can save yourself the hassle of paraphrasing and summarizing by pasting the content you wish to rework into Grammarly’s generative AI. It will rewrite text instantly just to your liking as you can determine the length and formality of language.

8. Creating Citations

Grammarly citation
You might be able to use AI to organize your citations according to the format your school uses

Responsible AI use is vital for students; using generated text in your assignments is likely against your school’s policy. Doing so can have serious consequences on your academic career.

One of the biggest pains of writing an academic essay is putting together a well-cited and properly structured bibliography, especially if you used a wide range of sources.

As long as it doesn’t break any school rules, you might be able to use AI to organize your citations according to the format your school uses, e.g. MLA or Harvard formatting. The same can apply to science and medical writers who want to show readers their sources.

9. Sourcing Images and GIFs

While social media apps like X (formally Twitter) allow users to search through a library of GIFs, finding what you’re looking for can be tedious, especially when you’re wading through dozens of copies of the same GIF. The same struggle can apply when sourcing photos to attach to your social media posts or blog posts.

GrammarlyGo can speed up your workflow so you can worry about perfecting your writing. Type in what you’re searching for and Grammarly will source images and GIFs in real time. Except free stock photos, always ensure you have permission to use photos that aren’t yours in your content.

10. Writing Emails

As mentioned earlier, Grammarly’s generative AI can write email subject lines, but you can also use it to craft your emails. You might get dozens of emails per day but don’t have the time to think of a response to all of them. Alternatively, you might know exactly what you want to say but don’t know how to phrase it appropriately.

To get started, you can provide some basic details the email should include to Grammarly and then select the audience the email is intended for, whether it’s a client or a friend. After that, you can alter the tone or length of the email with just a few clicks.

11. Writing Job Descriptions

If you’re working in a busy office, writing job descriptions is probably the last thing you want to spend time on. Still, it’s vital to craft professional job ads that explain what the role entails and entice candidates to apply.

With a few short prompts, GrammarlyGo can quickly lay out what the job entails, the skills and experience you, the ideal candidate, should have, and share a bit about the company with potential employees. You might have to make a few tweaks and fact-check, but your job description will be ready to go live within minutes.

12. Writing Instagram Captions

Grammarly can help in writing Instagram captions
Grammarly can compose short but effective captions for your Instagram posts

Whether you’re promoting your business on Instagram or are posting to your personal account, coming up with a catchy Instagram caption can be harder than it looks. For social media professionals, you want to share error-free copy that captures your brand’s voice and showcases your product offerings.

With a simple prompt, Grammarly can compose short but effective captions for your posts. You can make as many tweaks as possible to ensure the copy is perfect and includes the most relevant hashtags.

13. For Brainstorming

Grammarly’s AI can also help you overcome writer’s block by providing writing suggestions, whether it’s for work, school, or a passion project.

All you need to do is provide Grammarly with some basic details and it will create suggested prompts in seconds. For example, if you want to write a blog post about the benefits of using your product, Grammarly will provide several potential article titles and a brief description of what the blog post should cover. You can also use it to generate ideas for ad campaigns, research projects, and more.

14. Writing Tweets for X

Like writing an Instagram caption, writing tweets for X (formally Twitter) isn’t as easy as it looks, especially for social media professionals. You might want to entice followers to read your latest post on LinkedIn, summarize the content from a blog post in a thread, share a business update, or announce a new product.

With a short prompt, Grammarly can craft posts that capture your brand’s voice and convey the message to your followers. You can play around with the tone, hashtags, and use of emojis to adhere to your company’s social media style guides.

15. Writing Resumes

You need a stellar resume to stand out from the crowd. If you’re entering the job market for the first time or it’s been a long time since you last searched for a new job, it can be difficult to know what skills to list on your resume.

You can reduce the guesswork by asking Grammarly Ai to create your resume’s skills section. You only need to input the role and decide how many skills you want listed. It should go without saying, but you should have the skills you claim to have.

Once you’ve perfected your resume, you can use Grammarly Ai to create your cover letter.
