11 Top Ways to Get Paid to Write Emails: Get Started Today!

Discover our guide on how you can get paid to write emails. If you are a freelance writer, this can be a lucrative side hustle when you know where to start.

Email marketing can be a highly lucrative form of marketing for today’s businesses. According to current statistics, the return on investment for an effective email marketing campaign is $36 for every $1 the company spends.

Companies that can manage email lists well and have high open rates for their email marketing campaigns often find greater success online than those that do not. Yet writing an email is not something that comes naturally for everyone. For this reason, many companies will pay writers to handle this task, offering freelancers a way to make money. When you have finished here, find out more about freelance writing rates.

1. Write Autoresponder Series

An autoresponder is a type of email sent automatically when potential clients and customers sign up for newsletters or free gifts. These signups are often on sales pages that customers access when they click through on an advertisement. The autoresponder system carries an important marketing campaign that will take the reader through from initial inquiry to purchase.

Autoresponders do not sell; instead, they entice the email recipient to click the link to go to the business owner’s website, and the webpage does the selling. To write an autoresponder series, you will need to learn how to write a follow-up email, but this skill will help you make money as a freelance writer in an in-demand area.

2. Generate Leads Through Email

Generate leads through email
Lead generation sends emails to potential clients to walk them through understanding a product or service so they can make the right purchase decision

Lead generation is another way to make money writing emails. Lead generation sends emails to potential clients to walk them through understanding a product or service so they can make the right purchase decision. The goal, however, is not necessarily to make a sale but to get someone to sign up as a client or potential client for future sales.

While sales writing is a crucial focus of this type of email, it is less overt than autoresponder emails, requiring a no-hype approach to reach the target market. This email strategy is commonly used in marketing campaigns for business-to-business companies and transactions.

Looking for more? Check out these newsletter formats.

3. Craft Email Newsletters

Newsletters differ from autoresponders because they aim to work on branding and education, not necessarily direct sales. Many companies will send a monthly newsletter to their clients to keep them in mind. This is similar to a blogger’s goal for a blog, which is to brand the company as a subject matter expert while keeping them in the mind of potential customers. This type of email is shared with businesses that offer professional services.

4. Build an Email List

An email list contains the names and email addresses of a business’s subscription base. These people agree to sign up for special offers and newsletters. While you are not writing emails directly, if you earn money building an email list, this is a valid way to use email marketing to bring in more money as an entrepreneur. Remember that you will want to connect your list to the email copy you create for a client so you can earn money in more than one way.

5. Start Affiliate Marketing

If you want to make money writing your emails, build an email list by providing something of value to the recipients. Then, send emails that have affiliate links inside. People will sign up for a high-quality email that provides the information they need and can use, and you will make money off the affiliate and referral links embedded in that email when people click on them. You can earn quite a bit of money by selling other people’s products and even reviewing products so you can recommend them honestly.

6. Use a Paid Newsletter

In addition to getting paid to write newsletters for other people, you can make money by writing a newsletter and charging people to have access to it. If the newsletter has enough value and you can apply proper online marketing techniques, you can make this a profitable business. You will need to have a blog or landing page to gather leads, and you will need to learn SEO or social media marketing to drive traffic to your newsletter, but this is another option to get paid to write emails.

7. Create a Tripwire Email

A fun way to make money on your email list is to make a tripwire email. In email marketing, a tripwire offers a product with a discounted price that a potential customer is pitched as soon as they sign up for your email list. Sometimes the tripwire is free, but usually, it has a lower cost compared to your primary product. Statistics show that people who purchase tripwires are 10x more likely to return to the company to make additional purchases in the future. Not only can you make money on the tripwire itself, but you may also increase your future earnings with this type of email.

8. Utilize Substack

Utilize Substack
Substack makes it easy to set up an email newsletter train to send to your subscribers and eliminates many of the advertisements that make other platforms frustrating

Substack is an online tool that makes creating and sending newsletters easier. The platform makes it easy to set up an email newsletter train to send to your subscribers and eliminates many of the advertisements that make other platforms frustrating. You can set up your email subscriptions for free, and if you choose to monetize them, Substack will take 10% of your income. This means you have nothing to lose in trying this as a platform to write and send your newsletters. 

9. Advertise on Fiverr

You can also advertise on Fiverr to find new clients once you become skilled at writing emails. This platform can be a great way to connect with companies needing email writer’s services but may not reach out on conventional platforms. Remember to set a fair price for your services because a skilled email writer is hard to come by and deserves fair pay. Once you get a good following, you can earn quite a bit of income with Fiverr.

10. Make Direct Sales Emails

Email can be a profitable way to generate sales. If you are a skilled sales and marketing writer, consider creating direct sales emails for companies that will help them sell their products. These emails need to have a sense of urgency and use good marketing language to encourage people to purchase. The ability to craft a compelling call-to-action is essential for this type of email, but companies will pay quite a bit for a compelling sales email copy.

11. Generate OnBoarding Emails

Onboarding emails focus on the customer experience. Once a customer has purchased a product or service, this email series will walk them through how to use it, potentially making additional purchases to use it better.

These emails help with a company’s branding efforts, keeping the brand at the forefront of customers’ minds even after a purchase. Many businesses will pay for this service, you can even contact them directly to potch yourself as their go-to email copywriter. Looking for more? Check out our guide, social media marketing for beginners!
