Essays About Yourself: 6 Essays And 7 Writing Prompts

Learning more about yourself will help you be more mature and aware of your personality. Here is a list of samples and prompts on essays about yourself.

Nature Vs. Nurture is an ongoing debate that continues to this day. Although research supports that external factors have a more significant effect on an individual’s personality, it can’t be denied that parents still pass on some quirks to their offspring. 

We never stop discovering ourselves. We always find new things to explore. A great way to build a stronger connection to yourself is to write about yourself. To create an essay about yourself means to share a part of yourself. 

If you’re having difficulty composing an essay about yourself, here are 6 essay examples and 7 prompts to help you get out of the gate.

Check out these top essay writing techniques to incorporate into your work.

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1. I Am Enough by Adrianna Adame

“I believe that I am enough… I am good enough to be myself without the burden of negative thoughts and unrealistic expectations. I am good enough to get the help that I need from others. I am good enough to live a happy life.”

Adame’s essay emphasizes acceptance of one’s self. She discusses her past experiences and how she conquers her fears and insecurities. The subtle distinction between reality and your idealistic expectations for yourself shows that growth will only occur when you begin to accept who you are. 

2. Discovering Myself by Claire Van De Weghe

“I’ve realized that more than anything, I want the strength to stand on my own, as an individual. Even when I’m faced with pressure or judgment, I want to be able to be myself authentically.”

Discovering yourself takes a lot of process and time. The author uses her own experiences to write an essay about finding herself in due time. To pursue yourself and be what you need to be, you must express yourself genuinely and evaluate your self-discoveries to gain confidence.

3. Expressing Myself as Me by David – Buffalo Grove

“We all have our own identities that reflect who we are. I’m… a thousand other things, not all of them so good, but in each one of those identities, I have a personality and an attitude that allows me to express myself.”

In Grove’s essay, he gives examples of different self-expressions, noting that each individual has different ways to express themselves. Our emotions, feelings, and words are strokes that make up the painting of us – each one unique. 

4. Self Efficacy and Why Believing in Yourself Matters by Sophie Garcia

“Self-efficacy is the first step towards success… Pulling from your own experience of achieving a goal can boost your self-efficacy… Having self-efficacy would have made you push yourself towards your goal.”

In this essay, Garcia highlights the definition and importance of self-efficacy in achieving self-confidence. She elaborates on examples and relates them to self-awareness and dependence on yourself. To avoid unfortunate outcomes, people must have a realistic perception of themselves. Therefore, self-efficacy components are required to meet the desired progress and success.

5. Know Thyself: A Short Essay on The Importance of Knowing by Jeremy Divinity

“If you know yourself, you will come to realize that everything that you need is within you. All of the power in the world lies within each and every one of us. It is deep within, waiting to be unburied… Nothing outside of yourself has any dictation on who you are and how you go about your life.”

Divinity’s essay tackles the importance of valuing who we are without society’s expectations. You should know yourself without the pressure of what others want you to be; self-reflection will drive you to the best version of yourself.

6. Benefits of Being Yourself by Marcia Warner

“We have two personalities that you may not be aware of. Our inside and outside. Our inside consists of subjective feelings of what we think and feel and can be the side of us that we don’t tend to show. On the other side, our outside consists of somebody molded by our world view.”

Warner talks about inside and outside beauty. She also mentions how society affects the way we grow and evolve. Finally, her essay reminds its readers that admitting desires and confronting uncertainties are signs of bravery.

7 Essay Prompts About Yourself

After reading different example essays about yourself, you’re now ready to create one tailored to who you are. The following are some prompts you can use when writing.

1. Best Childhood Memories

Essays About Yourself: Best Childhood Memories
Share any childhood memories you cherish in your essay

Share any childhood memories you cherish. It can also be memories from a more recent time. This prompt will help you reminisce about the events and the feelings that accompanied you. When your readers have similar memories, your essay will trigger them to remember what they felt and thought back then, resulting in an insightful and engaging piece.

2. Exciting Things About Me

Every individual has something interesting about them. You can list all the interesting facts and things you want people to know about you. The traits, attitudes, skills, or habits you have that you think are not familiar to anyone.

3. Being an Introvert or Extrovert: Advantages And Disadvantages

Essays About Yourself: Being an Introvert or Extrovert Advantages And Disadvantages
Listing the pros and cons of this subject will assist readers in how they can better connect and react to others with the same traits

Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? This prompt asks you to lay down your characteristics to recognize your attributes better. Listing the pros and cons of this subject will assist readers in how they can better connect and react to others with the same traits.

4. Goals in Life

What keeps you going? In this prompt, you can share goals you’ve had since you were a kid and how those goals changed or if they’re still the same. Then, include what you did and plan to do to achieve those goals. Your piece can encourage and motivate others to look forward to reaching their goals in life. 

5. Accomplishments in My Life

Listing your achievements doesn’t make you look like a braggart – as long as you write to share your accomplishments to inspire others. For example, you can write about the steps you took to reach your achievements and if there are any tips you want others to be aware of that will help them reach the same success you have.

6. My Strengths and Weaknesses

Our strengths and weaknesses are products of our experiences, and no two experiences are the same. Talk about your strengths and weaknesses and explain why you consider them. Then, share how you developed them and what you plan to do to keep or overcome them. 

7. My Fears

Are the things you’re afraid of the same as when you were a child? If yes, what are these fears? If not, why did these change? This prompt can explain what you’re afraid of and why. It doesn’t have to be something tangible, like clowns or dark spaces. It can also be a feeling or a scenario, such as being abandoned and forgotten. 

You can use this prompt to relate with your readers with the same fears.

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