Essays About Writing Essays: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Before you begin writing your next A+ essay, check out our helpful guide with examples and writing prompts on essays about writing essays to spark inspiration.

I used to hate writing essays when I was in high school until my English teacher asked us to write about our experiences writing essays. This topic is a brain teaser, but composing an essay about writing essays astounded me and provoked the question: “Why is every student required to write essays anyway?”

Essay writing is a crucial exercise that assists students in developing writing skills, critical thinking, and many more. These proficiencies are vital to participate in logical discussions needed in life.When writing an essay, we learn to understand different perspectives and explore our feelings relating to the subject, so there is no doubt essay writing is essential in our personal and professional development.

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5 Essay Examples

1. Essay Writing Process for English Class by Peggy Maldonado

The writing process is a very important part in writing an essay for English or writing classes that will be needed in any school at any level… During the writing process, every step is as important as the last.

Maldonado points out that all essays follow the same process but notes that a piece’s complexity depends on the student’s educational background. She then discusses the five critical steps in essay writing: picking a topic, generating and organizing ideas, preparing rough drafts, revising contents, and citing proper references.

She adds examples and tips for every step, such as reminding the writers to consider their audience, create an outline, and ask for help when proofreading and editing. At the end of her essay, she reiterates that the writing process is necessary for any English or writing class, no matter the level.

2. Personal – Reading and Writing Essay by Writer Morton

Because, I have put away writing and reading for so long, I have to almost relearn everything from the beginning.

Morton’s essay centers around her regret over studying her major subjects but neglecting English, leading her to struggle with writing assignments. She’s good at grammar, but her vocabulary and phrases are so limited that she finds it difficult to form sentences. When writing for her English class, she would always procrastinate instead of doing her schoolwork little by little.

She also prefers reading magazines to textbooks, newspapers, or novels because she finds them boring, except for the story of King Arthur. This interest led her to read “King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table” by Rosemary Sutcliff and her other works. However, Morton still dreads reading and writing but says she can’t continue to get Ds and Cs.

3. Writing a College Essay with No Knowledge by Anonymous on

Writing needs to be given a guided sense of direction in some form of way or you will not convince your audience of your claim. Ignoring the proper steps to write a logical essay can keep you away from your goals.

The author explains the importance of knowing the topic and the steps in writing an essay. Critical thinking is vital in developing a subject and presenting an argument the writer picked. To be effective, these arguments should be adequately studied and sourced. 

Other necessary parts of essay writing include organizing resources and planning ideas and objectives. It ensures the essay attracts readers and conveys the writer’s message. In the end, the author believes that essay writing should follow a proper direction, such as process analysis, to ensure a clear and compelling piece.

4. My Writing Process by Deborah Wright

Every writer has a different and unique writing process. Personally, I believe that there is no single approach to producing an essay, rather multiple ways in which a writer may arrive at the final product.

Wright’s essay contains her writing methods, divided into different stages. The first stage is pre-writing, which helps her be more organized in choosing a topic, making a thesis statement, brainstorming, and outlining. She believes that creating rough drafts is the most critical part of essay writing. 

Revising is a long process for Wright because it’s not just checking and correcting grammatical errors. The final stage of her writing process is proofreading, where the essay is reviewed and double-checked to ensure everything is correct, legible, clear, and convincing.

5. The Process of Writing an Essay by Writer Annie

…if you ask yourself how to write an essay, it is important to have in mind to follow a process to develop an essay.

Annie acknowledges that essay writing is not for anyone, so she presents easy steps the readers can follow. The initial step is to pick a topic sentence via freewriting or brainstorming. Then, support the thesis statement with concrete evidence collected through research and personal experiences. This step demands the essay’s body be clear and interesting. The last step is editing to ensure the essay is well-structured.

6 Prompts For Essays About Writing Essays

1. What Is Essay Writing

Essays About Writing Essays: What is essay writing?
In your essay, discuss each essay part and define their roles to help readers identify what to include in their research

An essay tackles a specific topic and often demands ample research and concentration. It’s one of the reasons some find it intimidating. To help anyone daunted by essay writing, focus your piece on breaking an essay down to make it less complicated. You can also discuss each essay part and define their roles to help readers identify what to include in their research. Add tips and writing techniques to assist your audience further. 

2. The Importance of Essay Writing

To encourage students to take their writing classes seriously and motivate other readers to make essays, enumerate its benefits. For instance, include that essay writing hones students’ abilities to defend their arguments via relevant evidence and valuable teacher feedback. 

Then, share your personal experience of applying for these benefits in your life. Note that this prompt helps you persuade readers to write an essay. Thus, it’s important to include relatable events and have sufficient evidence.

To help you with this topic, read our guide explaining persuasive writing.

3. How to Write a Good Essay

Writers follow a format and vital steps to ensure they create good essays. In class, teachers use their rubrics in checking essays to point out what aspects the students need to polish more. Generally, a good essay has one main idea supporting the writer’s position. Use this prompt to identify what makes an essay worth reading and provide a step-by-step tutorial essay writers can adopt. You can also add what to avoid in an essay that can lower its quality.

4. How I Write My Essays

Essays can be formal or informal, and that’s why every writer has the discretion to present arguments and ideas in their way. Talk about your writing process and how you refined it throughout your career. If you’re a newbie, use this prompt to share what part you’re having difficulties with and how you plan to overcome it. You can also recommend essays you consider excellent.

5. Why We Write Essays

Essays About Writing Essays: Why we write essays?
For this prompt, focus on the four primary objectives of essay writing: to inform, convince, explain, and entertain the readers

We make essays for various reasons, such as a school requirement or because we want people to understand our stance on an issue. For this prompt, focus on the four primary objectives of essay writing: to inform, convince, explain, and entertain the readers. Explain how these objectives differ and add what topics fit under each category. Then, include in your essay how a writer can reach these goals. 

6. The Thesis Statement in Essay Writing

The thesis statement is the most crucial part of an essay as it summarizes your whole article while keeping your readers’ attention. It’s the roadmap that tells your audience where the paper is headed. 

However, many still need to improve when writing the thesis statement. In this prompt, discuss the pitfalls of writing a thesis statement for your essay and how they can affect your writing. Then, discuss the steps in writing a thesis statement and ways to find the best evidence to support it. 
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