Essays About Holidays With Family: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Looking for an interesting topic for your next essay? Check out our top essays about holidays with family and a list of prompts for inspiration. 

Holidays with family can create memories of a lifetime – some for good reasons and some for unpleasant incidents. Aside from giving the weary a break from work, holidays also provide an opportunity for families to gather, enjoy and make new, lasting memories together. Many cultures celebrate holidays differently and have holidays unique to their cultures and countries.

If you’re writing an essay about holidays with family, here is our list of essays that will keep you glued and reflect on your holidays. 

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1. A Guide To Navigating Food And Family During Holidays by Katherine Speller

“The confidence you bring — from listening to your body and being sure that you are allowed to feel however you want about your food choices — will do wonders for dealing with any criticism, comments or plate-policing from (mostly) well-meaning family members or people with their own food hang-ups.” 

Planning what to bring or cook for a family holiday dinner may come with many anxieties and pressures, especially if you have critical family members. The article presents the thoughts of a psychotherapist and eating disorder expert who advises readers on how to best respect their own dietary needs and boundaries while embracing those of their families. 

2. Forgiveness Perfect Gift For The Holidays by Käri Knutson 

“During the holidays, people who otherwise avoid each other can be thrown together in family or social situations that force the issue. It can be painful to ask for forgiveness and risk rejection… but it’s something we sometimes have to accept.” 

There’s no better gift to present to your family on holidays than forgiveness. In this article, psychology professor Robert Enright is interviewed to talk about the process of forgiveness, why people hold back from forgiving, and what helps people let go of their anger.

3. Everything That Went Wrong on Our Family Vacation (and Why It Was Still Totally Worth It) by Michelle Weisenberg

“Our vacations are NEVER dull. They usually entail at least one sick child/trip to the ER and one major catastrophe. It’s gotten to the point where we simply expect these things. As our pediatrician says, ‘I wish you people would just stay home.’”

Family holidays for this author cannot be complete without a disaster, from water-submerged diabetes testers to stolen backpacks and a kid getting wounded by a knife. Yet, despite these incidents, Weisenberg still sees the beauty in their travels, with its indelible memories outweighing any unfortunate event happening in all their family holiday travels.

4. Consumerism Culture is Dangerous To The True Meaning Of Christmas by Frank Portillo

“Instead of buying gifts for one another, we should be focused on creating memories with each other — an immaterial gift that will last far longer than this year’s Apple Watch.”

Instead of strengthening family bonds, many look forward to holidays to get a hand at things they’ve been meaning to buy. The article laments how the culture of consumerism and materialism has engulfed us, spoiling the true meaning of family holidays, wherein making memories together should suffice. 

5. Holidays Away From Home: An OFW Christmas by Beatrice Del Rosario, Anakin Loewes Garcia, Ronald Manuel Laylo

“OFWs sacrifice quality time with their loved ones by providing for them from afar. Each family has their own way of coping with that absence. Every shared moment, be it physically or through the aid of technology, encapsulates the spirit of Christmas for loved ones near and far.”

The article interviews overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) or those who sacrifice their time with loved ones to bring more income to their families. As Christmas has a special place in the hearts of all Filipinos, OFWs’ nostalgia is at its peak during this holiday when they cannot be home with family. OFWs in the article talk about their homesickness and how they cope at Christmas time.

Writing Prompts on Essays About Holidays With Family

Here is our round-up of creative prompts for your essay:

1. Your Most Memorable Holiday With Family

Essays About Holidays With Family: Your most memorable holiday with family

Describe your most memorable holiday with your family. Put in as many elements that made this holiday profoundly impact you. Then, for a more powerful effect, make the narration as vivid as you can, from the dining table filled with delectable food to how your siblings stifled a laugh upon seeing the neon sweater your aunt gave you as a present.   

2. Why Are Holidays With Family Important

Aside from creating new memories that strengthen relationships, holidays with family can help you immerse in new cultures and experiences. Collate studies that investigate the impact of family holidays on one’s well-being. Summarize their findings and provide your analysis.

3. An Eco-Friendly Family Holiday

Environmentalists lambast the overindulgence that comes with holiday merry-making. Enumerate the holiday practices that are dangerous to the environment. Next, encourage families to strive for a green holiday instead of resisting the strong temptation of excess. Then, provide tips on how one can step up to reduce carbon footprint and care for Mother Nature.

4. Planning The Best Holiday Destination

Deciding which destination is best for your family will largely depend on the preference of each family member and your budget. Provide tips on how one can choose their destination and how one should prepare for this. Remind readers that they don’t have to spend too much for the “best” holiday destination. As long as families are together on this special day, that should mean more to them than anything else. 

5. Camping For The Holidays

Camping is the best way to get close to nature while creating a stronger bond with parents, siblings, and relatives. Enumerate why camping is the best way to spend your holiday with family. You may also provide a list of essential things to bring when going on a camping trip. 

6. Holidays On The Beach

Frolicking on the beach is not just the best way to beat the heat. It’s also an excellent way to spend the holidays with your family, especially if you have kids who love water activities — but who doesn’t? For this prompt, you can narrate your holiday spent on the beach with your family. You can also provide your reader with a list of the best beach spots in your country.

7. History of Spending Holidays With Family

There are several national holidays around the world. The origin of each has its unique story that makes them all interesting and worth experiencing. Pick one or a few holiday celebrations, particularly those best spent with family. First, write about their history and how they earned the designation as holidays. Then, detail the family traditions that come with their celebration. 

8. Avoiding COVID-19 While On Holidays

While many countries are now mask-free, COVID-19 remains to infect like wildfire in some places. List a few tips on how families can enjoy the holidays and be safe from COVID-19 or any raging virus. Examples could be encouraging readers to avoid COVID-19 hotspots, bringing antigen tests, and placing alcohol bottles within easy reach. 

9. How To Ensure A Stree-Free Family Holiday

What makes one full of fidgets when a holiday with relatives is fast approaching? Is it the critical aunt who might notice your added weight or the thought of celebrating the holidays in a remote place without internet access? First, cite the most common sources of holiday stress. Then, offer recommendations on how to put aside the nervous energy before and during the holidays.

You may also interview some friends to know their major sources of family holiday anxieties. Then, find out how they overcome them. 

10. Budget-Friendly Tips For Holiday Travels

Holidays can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Write a list of tips on how one can spare extra cash for accommodation, public transport, and more. Remind your readers that holidays can be fun without pumping out a lot of cash. If you’re not into travel, you can focus on budget tips for holiday shopping.

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers. If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips!
