Essays About Fashion: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

If you are writing essays about fashion, check out our guide of helpful examples and exciting writing prompts to get started.

Fashion is individuals’ way of expressing their personalities. They do this through clothes and accessories that display their tastes and preferences. There are different fashion styles and trends, and anyone can choose anything they want to follow. Additionally, fashion has various benefits, such as boosting self-confidence, lightening moods, and developing creativity. Our fashion choices also help us send messages and present our beliefs. Thus, fashion can also be political.

Below are five essay examples and nine writing prompts to help you create an eye-catching essay about fashion:

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5 Top Essay Examples

1. Why Fashion is Important by George K.

“The clothes we wear has become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness; instead it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.”

George K explains that fashion separates individuals from the rest. A person can introduce himself to others for who and what he is through style choices. Further, the author expounds on how fashion is a very competitive industry that depends on one’s search for identity. The author also points out that every person is unique and thus needs a distinct style to fit them. However, because of constant peer pressure and criticism, an individual’s fashion picks can’t be entirely their own. Ultimately, George K reminds the reader that it’s not just the clothes but how individuals wear and feel in them.

2. Fashion: An Important Part of Life by Ankita Yadav

“…if we can do something then it is choosing the right stuff like entertainment, adventure, fashion, etc. All these things can make us happy and are also an important part of life. Fashion always attracts and it is available for all,”

Yadav considers how fashion originated from people’s traditions and cultures and became what it is today through individuals adopting each style and making it their own. In the following sections of the essay, she defines fashion and lists its importance, including how it developed new employment options and how styles speak for the wearer. 

In her conclusion, she encourages everyone to choose their styles and not to mind their age. Fashion helps everyone live life to the fullest.

3. Fashion as Communication by Eunice Summers

“Fashion is an industry based on creating a need where there is none and nowadays, due to the current recession, I can understand that fashion may not be people’s biggest concern. But we cannot qualify it as ‘trivial’ since we are surrounded by it; each new generation of customers is highly exposed to commercial influences.”

Summers gives her opinion about the book “Fashion as Communication” by Malcolm Barnard. She identifies points in the work and shares her thoughts on them. The first point being those working in the fashion industry aren’t smart. As a Fashion Marketing student, Summers vehemently disagrees with this statement and recounts her experiences to counter it. She continues to analyze Barnard’s other arguments and agrees with some of them. Summers ends her essay by highlighting that fashion is too essential in modern culture and economic organization for it to be considered “trivial.”

4. Fashion 2022 by Edudwar

“…the youth cares more about what they wear and how they look which could affect their status in their peer group and meddle with their mental health. Following trends and doing what everyone is doing like a sheep is never a good idea. Fashion is there to reflect your personal style, not copying what other people think is trendy.”

User Edudwar reminds people that fashion is not simply following what’s currently trendy. Fashion is there to give people the chance to show off their individualism and personalities and not present a fake version of themselves to be accepted by society. Additionally, he mentions that youth nowadays are more sensitive to what people think of them, so some will always do everything to follow trends, even if they’re not presentable or appropriate.

5. The Effect of Fashion on Teenagers in School by Anonymous on NewYorkEssays.Com

“Youths of the present times have indulged themselves in so much fashion that they do not receive sufficient time for other work… The time spent on studies is being used in watching TV programmes, reading fashion articles, or even finding the recent trendy outfits on the Internet.”

The essay discusses the real effects of fashion on today’s youth. The author focuses on kids zeroing in on finding the latest style instead of caring for their studies that directly affect their future. The essay also delves into how youths of yesterday had ambitions and goals in life compared to today’s youths, who prefer to have fun rather than study hard.

See our best essay writing tips to help you write an attractive, attention-grabbing essay.

9 Writing Prompts For Essays About Fashion

To assist you with your essay, we’ve compiled nine exciting writing prompts you can use:

1. Fashion Trends and Women

Some women follow fashion trends religiously. They are also more conscious of their physical appearance. Some even go to the extreme and do plastic surgeries to look better in clothes. In your essay, discuss what you think these trends do to women’s perception of their worth and beauty. Add which trends you believe are unhealthy and why there’s more societal pressure for women to be fashionable.

2. Fashion Evolution

Each era had its styles that directly resulted from that time’s circumstances. Make a timeline of how fashion evolved and the factors that influenced them. At the end of your essay, pick what you think is the best fashion era and explain why.

3. Fashion and Starting a Business

For this prompt, include the relevant things a future fashion clothing boutique owner should bear in mind. For instance, they should always be on top of the fashion trends and know how to balance demand and costs. Then, find a boutique owner and interview them about their experience to make your essay more fun to read.

4. Effects of Fashion on Society

Tackle what makes people choose the clothes they wear daily. Some prefer their fashion to display their personalities while others merely follow what they think is popular. To make your essay more interesting, you can do a simple experiment: Go out in public on two occasions: while wearing your fashion picks and donning the latest fashionable clothes. Then, add your findings and how people reacted to you.

5. The Best Fashion Styles for Men

Essays About Fashion: The best fashion styles for men
List styles that are excellent for men depending on the setting and event

Fashion for men is different from women. Although most brands dedicate their line to women, men also deserve to know what makes them look fashionable; this essay lists styles that are excellent for men depending on the setting and event. 

6. Fashion Trends in Different Countries 

What could be considered fashionable in one country can be seen as disrespectful in another. For this prompt, compile fashion trends many do but are unacceptable in other places. Reasons why may include religion or tradition. Use research data and cite reliable sourcing for a compelling piece.

7. Careers in the Fashion Industry

In this essay, identify the career opportunities available in the fashion industry, including the steps to get there. Next, list the different job roles within fashion, and describe the responsibilities for each. Then, add tips on succeeding in that job and standing out from the rest. For an intriguing essay, conduct interviews with professionals within the industry and include this in your piece.

8. Cultural Fashion Vs. Modern Fashion

Our ancestors’ culture greatly influenced today’s fashion. Meanwhile, modern styles are those that the current generation uses. Write an essay about cultural and contemporary fashion’s differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages. 

9. The Best and Worst of Fashion Trends

Fashion trends come and go. However, not all popular fashion is pleasing to the eyes. For this essay, compile a list of what is, in your opinion, the best and worst fashion trends. Then, describe why you have formed these opinions and describe the details of each outfit.

Are you looking for your next essay subject? Check out our list of the best writing topics for students.
