Essays About Commitment: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

If you are writing essays about commitment, read our guide with helpful examples and writing prompts to help you get started. 

To be committed to something is to be devoted and willing to put time, energy, and effort into it. Commitment can be directed towards other people, organizations, goals, or beliefs. However, it is more than just a promise; it requires consistent dedication. 

Commitment is a broad term and can include committing to tasks, such as chores, or significant commitments in life, like marriage or priesthood. Commitment is an admirable trait that shows courage and determination, but it can also be challenging to commit to a task, lifestyle change, or moral decision. Such a broad topic makes for an exciting essay; keep reading to see our top examples and prompts to help you get started.

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5 Top Essay Examples

1. The difference between love and commitment by Howard Soto

“Commitment is communicated primarily through shared experiences and moments. For example individuals might opt to have some specified moments they associate and share certain experiences and activities such as outdoor activities. This essentially calls for dedications. Love however is communicated by the parties involved being emotionally available for each other. It involves the doing of certain favors for each other without complain regardless of the situation.”

Soto explains how love and commitment are different, yet that commitment is an essential part of love. In summary, anyone can practice commitment, which is essential for creating a successful and loving relationship. Love takes commitment, as you must be willing to make sacrifices. 

2. A short essay on commitment by Bleri Lleshi

“Commitment means giving a piece of ourselves in what we do. It sounds simple but it is not. It’s simple nor obvious. The obviousness got lost in the dominance of the ‘everyone for his/her own’ discourse. For those who can not give that piece of his or herself in his or her actions, it is difficult to understand why some of us do commit ourselves. Often we even cannot give an exact reason of why we are committed. Commitment must be experienced and not explained that is why my explanation here, can never match the experience of commitment.”

In his essay, Lleshi writes about why it is more important to be committed than ever. This is because many problems require our attention, such as the spread of individualism. To Lleshi, commitment means sacrificing a part of ourselves to achieve a profound goal. He wants everyone to be committed to a better future and united in our commitment to change global issues, such as stopping pollution and global warming. 

3. Honor, Courage, Commitment by Ada Robinson

“Often we even cannot give a exact reason of why we are committed. Commitment must be experienced and not explained that is why my explanation here, can never match the experience of commitment. We must always abide by an uncompromising code of integrity, taking responsibility for our actions and keeping our word. We shall earn respect up and down the chain of command. Be honest and truthful in our dealings with each other, and with those outside the Navy.”

Robinson, a member of the U.S. Navy, describes the values they are taught, including commitment. The concepts of honor, bravery, courage, and commitment are instilled in every officer in the navy. They are taught to take responsibility for their mistakes, be devoted to protecting and serving the American nation, and be committed to upholding the country’s laws. 

4. Commitment For A Better Future. by Sheel Nidhi Tripathi

“The unknown can be a scary feeling, adventure as an idea is thrilling but not everyone is cut out to live it.I have lost my sleep, and when I fall asleep I get these weird dreams, which shows me all the things that I am thinking subconsciously. Yet, from here on I am letting go all my fears and do all the things I dreamt to do as a kid.”

In her essay, Tripathi writes about how her life has been challenging and that she has always let the influences and rules of others dictate her actions. However, she is now committed to building a healthier lifestyle through fitness, working on her communication and listening skills, and taking an interest in her hobbies.

5. ​​Your Goals Are Nothing Without Commitment by Anthony J. Yeung

“Find a reason for being that inspires you to be earnest with each day. That commitment, in and of itself, will enhance your life in countless ways.

I’ve learned there’s no greater feeling than keeping the promises we make to ourselves. There’s an overwhelming feeling of pride, joy, love, and gratitude that goes beyond the goal itself and gives you the confidence you can achieve anything.”

Yeung discusses the importance of setting achievable goals so that we have a reason to be committed. He wants people to stay on course and stop making excuses for failing to achieve goals; he laments that life often distracts people from achieving goals. Instead, he encourages readers to take a deep look into themselves and set goals based on things they enjoy and are inspired by. That way, it will be so much easier to stay committed.

7 Prompts for Essays About Commitment

1. Why Is Commitment Important?

Commitment is essential to achieving goals and success, but how exactly? Write about why commitment is meaningful and valuable. Then, explore the importance of commitment in different situations. Research the benefits of being committed to a task or person, and describe these benefits within your essay. For help with this topic, read the essay examples above for inspiration. 

2. What Are You Committed to?

Everyone has committed to something or someone in their life. In your essay, list some of your goals, explaining why you have chosen to commit to them. If applicable, you can also give examples of people or organizations you are committed to, whether it be loved ones or your job. 

3. Commitment In Action

You will feel proud and relieved when you fulfill a commitment. Recall a time you showed commitment and were proud of it. Describe the commitment, and explain to your readers how you fulfilled (or continue to fulfill) your commitment. Explain your reasons for dedicating your time and energy to this commitment.

4. When I Failed At Commitment

On the other hand, you may also feel it is more appropriate to write about a time you failed to show commitment. Reflect on this experience and explain what you would do if you were allowed to repeat it. 

5. Commitment Role Models

We all have role models that we look up to for inspiration. Who is this to you? Write about who has shown commitment and inspires you to be committed to your goals or loved ones. It can be a loved one, a famous person, or even a fictional character. Make sure you explain how this individual is an excellent example of commitment. 

6. How to Practice Commitment

Essays about commitment: How to practice commitment?
In your essay, discuss habits you can pick up to commit such as waking up early and getting adequate sleep

In your essay, discuss habits you can pick up to commit to someone or something. It can include habits such as waking up early, getting adequate sleep, or a consistent dedication to a particular person or task. Describe how to practice these habits and achieve your goals through commitment and hard work.

7. Values That Align with Commitment

Commitment is associated with other important traits, such as bravery, honesty, and courage. For your essay, you can also discuss what values you need to practice commitment to the best of your ability, be sure to explain your choices adequately. 

If you’re stuck picking an essay topic, check out our guide on how to write essays about depression.

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