50 Easy Essay Topics To Write About

Are you tired of complicated writing prompts? Explore our list of easy essay topics that cater to different interests, plus writing tips to guide you.

Easy essay topics are straightforward and are not complex. Writers won’t have a problem researching information about these essay topic ideas as there are many details available they can use to whip up thesis statements or start an argument to stimulate the readers. When writing easy essay topics, you should focus on the quality of your writing, not the difficulty of your chosen subject. Try out some of the best essay checkers when writing your next essay!

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Easy Narrative Essay Topics

Easy essay topics: Narrative Example
Pick an adventure you want to do again and recount your journey

Narrative essays show the writers’ point of view as they share their stories with the readers. These descriptive essays are often from personal experience and let the writers be as creative as they want.

  1. My first childhood memory

Think back to your earliest memory and describe what happened. Try to recreate it through words by adding as many details as possible. Then, describe the emotions you feel when recalling this memory.

  1. A travel experience that I want to relive

Pick an adventure you want to do again and recount your journey. Begin your essay with how you planned your travel and arrived at the destination, then tell the reader things you did there. Your essay should make the readers feel like they are on the trip with you.

  1. The day I met my best friend

Write how you met your best friend, what you felt, and what you talked about or did that day. Point out what made them your best friend and share how your friendship developed over time.

  1.  My first day as a student

Take the readers with you on your first day as either a middle school, high school, or college student. Talk about your first impression of the school, teachers, and classmates. You can also compare your expectations to your first day’s actual events.

  1. My most embarrassing moment

Write about what led to the embarrassing scene, how you reacted to it, and other details that made it a vivid memory for you. Add what you learned from the experience, and if other people still tease you.

  1. My most recent summer vacation

Pick a recent memory so you can recall as much detail as possible. Discuss how you spent your summer vacation, whether you stayed home because it was too hot or visited the beach and got sunburned.

Easy Descriptive Essay Topics

As the name suggests, a descriptive essay asks writers to describe a subject, including their thoughts and experiences. The key to writing this type of essay is to be imaginative and focused on the details of your writing.

  1. My treasured place

Pick the place that holds a special meaning to you. It can be a local park where you and your friends play, your childhood home, etc., and describe the location’s sounds, colors, and other details. For instance, if it’s the park, you can say that the sun is shining bright, and the kid’s laughter is loud.

  1. My best friend

Describe your best friend – their appearance, personality, and habits. Paint a picture of them through words and additional reasons why you consider them your closest friend. 

  1. My favorite food

When writing about your favorite food, ensure to describe its appearance, taste, texture, and anything else that can make the reader feel like they are eating the same thing as you. Then, share why you enjoy it so much.

  1. My hometown

Stroll around your neighborhood to get more details about your hometown to let readers visualize it better. Point out any landmark and detail the scenery, history, and culture of where you live.

  1. My dream vacation

Select a place you want to visit someday and describe what you’re most excited to see there. For instance, you may want to visit Japan to watch the white and cherry blossoms floating in the wind.

  1. My favorite book or movie

Choose what stands out the most among the many books and movies you’ve read and watched. Present a summary of its plot, including your favorite characters, and explain why it stands out. Your reasons can also be the movie’s atmosphere or the author’s writing style. Just describe them as best you can. You might also be wondering what is a synthesis essay?

Easy Persuasive Essay Topics

Persuasive essay topics have one goal: to urge the readers to take their stance and convince them that the writer is correct. Good essays about challenges using persuasive writing often rely on opinions, are more personal, and have a more emotional or passionate tone.

  1. You should exercise regularly

Encourage your readers to exercise regularly by listing benefits such as improved physical and mental health. You can include your experience and share its impacts on your life.

  1. We should practice recycling

Tap on your readers’ emotions by identifying the adverse effects of waste on the environment. Then, discuss how recycling can reduce those consequences by citing successful recycling programs.

  1. Why we should help illegal immigrants

Choose this topic if you want to support undocumented immigrants and help them settle down legally. Encourage your readers to do the same by showing this group’s contributions to the economy and debunking immigration myths.

  1. We should advocate for mental health awareness

Increased awareness of mental health issues reduces the stigma around the subject and improves treatment options for those who suffer from it. If you also live with mental health problems, share your experience and include campaigns and initiatives you appreciate.

  1. We should volunteer often

Volunteering opens up many opportunities through social connections and improved networks. Plus, it offers the feeling of personal fulfillment. Use your essay to persuade your readers to consider volunteering and positively impacting their communities.

  1. Why we should set goals and deadlines to combat procrastination

Everyone has procrastinated before, so we all have our tales about it. Focus your essay on the benefits of setting goals to improve productivity. Include any prior experience of how doing this helped you or someone you know.

Easy Argumentative Essay Topics

Argumentative writing presents facts to get the readers to see the writer’s point of view. These interesting essay topics acknowledge that another side exists and counter the other side’s points. Argumentative essay topics present credible evidence to show the readers the writer’s perspective on the issue.

  1. Should college be free for everyone? 

Indicate your stance on the matter and identify the disadvantages and drawbacks of free college. Present a clear argument supporting the side you choose.

  1. Is social media harmful to society?

Discuss the impact of social media sites on mental health, privacy, and communication. Show how social media helps or harms society by sharing your experience and citing examples. Then, you can add tips on how we can use social media in a way that isn’t harmful to our well-being.

  1. Should schools ban junk foods in cafeterias?

Ensure to tackle the pros and cons of banning junk foods in school. Some pros can include teaching students to choose healthier foods. Cons may include increased food prices, which not every student can afford.

  1. Should animal testing be illegal? 

Start your essay by discussing the history and purpose of animal testing and the available alternatives today. Pick a side on whether you support animal testing and make your case by considering ethics and scientific validity.

  1. Is capital punishment effective?

One of the most important social issues includes the death penalty. Argue for or against the effectiveness of capital punishment in deterring crime through statistics and case studies. You can also add the cost of capital punishment and identify other related inmate expenses, like healthcare.

Easy Expository Essay Topics

Easy expository essay topics
In your essay, provide a brief overview of the subject and delve into how the internet was created

Expository essay writers explain, evaluate, and inform. The thesis statement in expository essay topics should be in the first paragraph, with the supporting arguments and evidence scattered over the essay body to convince the readers that the logic presented is credible.

  1.  Reading is vital for personal growth

Start by defining what personal growth means and why it’s crucial. Then, explore the benefits of reading on personal growth through much research already available online. Some benefits are improved vocabulary and broader knowledge. If you’re a bookworm, include any other effects you observe in yourself.

  1. The history of the internet

Provide a brief overview of the subject and delve into how the internet was created. Add key events and technological advancements that led to the development of the internet as we know it today.

  1. The process of becoming a licensed driver

Begin by explaining why obtaining a driver’s license is important. Then, provide a step-by-step breakdown of the process, including driver education, practice driving hours, and taking the driver’s test.

  1. Types of natural disasters and their causes

Explain what natural disasters are and enumerate their types. Then, dive into their causes, like seismic activity, climate change, and human actions. Add the impacts of these disasters on the environment, people, and the economy.

  1. The importance of a college education

Explain what a college education is and its purpose in one’s life. Survey the benefits one can reap from college, like increased job options and higher earning potential. Discuss the possible downsides of pursuing higher education, such as needing more technical skills and incurring a large debt.

  1.  How to start a small business

Talk about the concept of a small business and the gains of owning one. Outline the steps in starting a small business, like planning, securing funds, and marketing your product or service.

Easy Informative Essay Topics 

Informative writing aims to educate the readers with uncomplicated facts, often to help understand how something came about or works and is never about personal opinions. Informative essay topics can be anything as long as the readers learn something new.

  1. Global warming and the planet

Research and gather information about how global warming and the greenhouse effect affect the environment, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather patterns, and animal and plant extinctions. Organize your essay into different sections, each focusing on one of the effects of global warming, and provide scientific evidence and statistics.

  1.  COVID-19 and vaccination

Since there has been a lot of information during the spread of the pandemic, you already have ample knowledge of the vaccination process. In your essay, relay how the vaccine was made and used to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

  1. All about modern homeschooling

This prompt is best if you’re homeschooled or know someone who is homeschooled. Briefly discuss the history of homeschooling, then explain how modern schooling is done. Include the best practices that help parents and their children manage their time and efficiently learn.

  1. World War II and women’s rights

Delve into how World War II affected women’s rights and societal roles during and after the war. Explore how women contributed to the war effort and how this led to today’s changing social and political landscape.

  1. English as an international communication tool

Analyze the importance of English as a global language and how it is used for international communication in business, education, and diplomacy. Add how English works with other languages and cultures.

  1. The history of chocolate

Begin with the origins of chocolate, then trace its history through time, with special attention to its cultural significance and evolution as a food item. Include methods of making chocolates and examples of different types of chocolate.

Easy Compare-and-Contrast Essay Topics

Compare and contrast essay topics focus on two subjects to highlight the subtle differences or similarities between the two. It’s best to present your thesis statement in the introduction and tell your readers why you compare and contrast the ideas.

  1. Online Classes vs. In-Person Classes

This is a timely and relevant topic in today’s world, as more and more people prefer online classes. In your essay, compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of online and traditional courses regarding convenience, flexibility, student engagement, and learning outcomes.

  1. Dogs vs. Cats

Dogs versus cats is a classic comparison topic you can use to develop your writing skills. Do this by discussing the differences between the two animals regarding their behavior, care needs, and popularity as pets. You can even explore the advantages and disadvantages of owning each animal.

  1. City Life vs. Rural life

Get your readers’ attention by describing the lifestyle in the city and rural areas and point out what sets the two apart. Include relevant factors like the cost of living, job opportunities, social life, and environmental conditions. Conclude the essay by giving your opinion on which lifestyle you prefer and why.

  1. The Harry Potter books vs. the Harry Potter movies

This topic would be perfect for fans of the series. Compare and contrast the books’ and films’ plots, characters, and themes, then discuss which medium you feel was more effective in telling the story. It’s best to focus on a few key aspects of the series and provide specific examples from the books and movies to support your assertions.

  1. High school vs. College

This common compare-and-contrast topic is still relevant and easy to write about today. Talk about the differences between the two regarding academic pressures, expectations, and level of independence between college and high school students. You can draw from your experiences or research and compare high school and college educational systems and cultures.

Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Cause and effect essay topics highlight the connection between a subject and its consequences. School essays in this category help develop student writers’ critical thinking skills.

  1. The causes and effects of obesity

Review the various factors contributing to obesity, like poor diet, inactive lifestyle, and genetics. Then, move on to the harmful effects of the disease, such as the increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues. Obesity is a topic that still demands attention for its devastating impacts.

  1. Video games and children

For this topic, explain what video games are and comment on their impacts on children’s behavior and cognitive development. Be sure to cite relevant research and studies. You can also share ways parents and educators can mitigate any negative effects.

  1. The impact of technology on communication

This is an easy topic to write about, as technology’s effect on communication is a prevalent and often-discussed topic. Begin by describing what technology is all about, including its various forms and how it changed communication. Point out technology’s positive and negative impacts on communication and offer suggestions to reduce any cons.

  1.  Stress and our physical and mental health

For this prompt, explore the impact of stress on the body and mind, including its effects on the immune system, sleep, and mental health. Research the causes and effects of stress, such as how it influences an individual’s work, relationships, and lifestyle choices. You can also discuss stress management methods like exercise, mindfulness, and therapy.

Easy College (Application) Topics

Soon-to-be college students write college application essays to demonstrate why they fit into their chosen school. These essays show the applicant’s personality and drive and present the writer’s academic and career goals.

  1.  Discuss an experience or accomplishment that significantly impacted your personal growth. 

To write a great essay on this topic, reflect on a specific experience or achievement that taught you a valuable lesson or changed your perspective about something. Describe the experience or achievement and explain how it influenced your growth. For example, you can talk about winning a marathon and how it helped you become more disciplined and focused.

  1.  Describe a challenge you have faced and how you overcame it.

In this essay, discuss a particular hardship you had to deal with. It can be an academic or personal situation. Make sure to explain the steps you took to solve or overcome the problem. This essay prompt will help you showcase your resilience and problem-solving skills.

  1. Discuss a person who has significantly influenced your life.

Think of the person you hold in high regard, like a parent, teacher, or mentor, and talk about why you consider them an important person in your life. Then, reflect on experiences that highlight their influence and impact on you. These can be moments such as when they stayed up all night helping you on a project or when they received a community award for volunteering. 

  1.  Discuss your favorite academic subject and explain why you enjoy it.

This prompt lets you showcase your passion for a particular subject and demonstrate your intellectual curiosity. To write this essay effectively, you must share specific examples of how you pursued your interest and how it affected your academic and personal goals. For instance, you enjoyed physical education and joined a sports team.

  1. Explain why you have chosen your intended major and how it aligns with your future goals.

This essay topic lets you illustrate your academic and career aspirations and showcase how you prepared for your chosen field of study. Start by explaining why you’re eager to be in your major and share any relevant coursework or experiences that influenced your choice. Then, describe your future career goals.

  1. Discuss an extracurricular activity or community service project that’s important to you and how it has impacted your life.

Talking about having extracurricular activities on top of your standard academic units demonstrates your leadership skills and commitment to serving others. To write this essay, describe the project or activity you’ve participated in and explain why it’s meaningful. Share any personal or community benefits that have resulted from your involvement.
