14 Profitable Company Newsletter Ideas (2024)

Discover 14 company newsletter ideas to help you create an engaging newsletter for clients with great content for a new product, employee onboarding, internal communications, and more.

Good content marketing efforts include a wide variety of different types of content, including blogs, social media posts, podcast episodes, videos, and more. One often-overlooked content marketing staple is a company newsletter used for internal communications.

Here’s why an email newsletter for internal comms should be included in your marketing strategy and top company newsletter ideas you can use for your clients.

Why Should Company Newsletters Be Part Of Your Marketing Strategy?

Top company newsletter ideas

An email newsletter can be used for a wide variety of purposes. For example, marketers often use newsletter comms to reach out to current and potential customers and generate brand engagement. However, an internal newsletter is an equally important part of a company’s overall marketing efforts. 

Email newsletters used in marketing campaigns for customers are a little different than newsletters for team members. However, an internal newsletter can help keep your client’s marketers, sales team, and new employees abreast of important information within their company culture. 

This, in turn, helps new hires and existing employees make the most of their hard work and significantly increases employee engagement. When team members are engaged, it can have a direct positive impact on your client’s bottom line.

Top 14 Company Newsletter Ideas

Here are 14 newsletter content ideas to use for your client’s next newsletter. 

1. Generic Employee Newsletter 

One of the most common types of company newsletter is one written for employees. Generic employee newsletter ideas include but aren’t limited to: 

  • Welcome emails 
  • Company culture information 
  • Policy reminders
  • Employee surveys 
  • Thank you emails 
  • Company milestone emails  

2. Internal Communications 

Email newsletters are a great way to facilitate internal communications. Any important notices, upcoming events, etc. can be included in a newsletter that is sent out to all team members on an email list to keep the entire staff of a business up-to-date.

3. Company News 

Team members should be aware of the latest company news, but they don’t often take the initiative to stay on top of topics relevant to the business they work for. Curate quarterly news emails with text summaries of each article you link out to for fast, convenient updates.

4. Industry News 

It’s also important to keep employees up-to-date with the most critical news in your client’s industry. Any news pieces that are relevant to your client’s business, products, or services should be included in industry news emails created specifically for your client’s team members. 

5. New Product Launch Email Newsletter 

Your client’s sales team and other employees should have a good understanding of the products and services your client’s company offers consumers. When your client has a new service or product launch, send an email newsletter that showcases the product, its specs, and more. 

Include infographics and gifs of the product if available. Employees can then use the information in your product launch newsletter templates to educate potential customers and fellow co-workers about your client’s offerings. 

6. Testimonials 

Make sure employees have easy access to the latest and most valuable customer testimonials for your client’s products and services. Your client’s sales team can especially benefit from testimonial emails that they can use to show potential customers how satisfied existing customers are.

7. Upcoming Events 

Keep an eye on your client’s calendar and send email notifications to team members prior to upcoming events, especially if they are expected to attend. If possible, include as much information about the event as possible. Go beyond time and date and inform subscribers of what to expect, what to wear, and what the itinerary is going to look like.

8. Content Roundup Newsletter 

Want employees to read the company’s latest blogs or visit and interact with the brand’s social media pages? Send content roundup newsletters that cleanly lays out the newest published articles each week. If you send them more often, employees may begin to disregard them. 

9. Giveaways 

Does your client host giveaways for employees to reward them for hard work? These can make great newsletter templates for ongoing internal communications. Let employees know what giveaways are going on, what they need to do to participate in the giveaway, and when it ends. 

You can also create a follow up internal newsletter that thanks all participants and showcases the winner(s) and their prize(s). This also encourages employees to participate in future giveaways when you send the next newsletter. 

10. Infographics and Gifs 

Getting critical data to busy employees in a way they can understand, process, and apply the information can be challenging for even the most seasoned marketer. Writers can improve the readability and absorption of the content they create by including gifs, infographics, and other visually-enticing presentations. 

11. Employee Shoutout 

Bolster your client’s positive company culture by sending out a regular employee shoutout every week. Create an email for subscribers that gives a shoutout to one or more team members who have done an exceptional job at exemplifying the hard work your client’s company values particularly well. 

12. Meeting Recap Newsletter 

Both new hires and existing employees can benefit from a meeting recap newsletter each time your client holds an important meeting for staff members. Ask your client to send meeting minutes if possible and include them as an attachment in your email.

However, you should avoid sending the minutes or meeting transcript in full in the body of the email. Your recap needs to be easy-to-read and digest in just a few minutes.

13. Training Webinars 

Does your client invest in training webinars for company employees? Include these in your employee newsletter content to make team members aware of the ongoing education and training options available to them. Include information about the webinar such as the time and date, if attendance is required, and what to expect from the session.

If the webinar is on-demand, you can include the link where employees can watch the webinar on their own time. Later, you can create email content that summarizes the webinar for employees who were not able to attend and encourage employees to attend the next. 

14. Case Studies 

Prospective customers want to know if your client’s products and services work and what experiences other customers have had. Case studies are a great way to showcase a customer’s encounter with your client’s business. 

Case studies should clearly state the customer’s problem, the company’s proposed solution, and the results the customer obtained from using your client’s product or service. Sales teams can then use case studies sent via email newsletter to help generate additional revenue. 

15. Company Podcast Summaries 

Does your client record a podcast on a regular basis? Create a summary of the latest published podcast for employees that allow them to get the gist of the episode if they don’t have time to listen. If you have access to a podcast transcript, you can also include it as an attachment in the email along with the link to the live podcast or an attached audio file.

The Final Word On Company Newsletter Ideas

The number of ideas you can use to create great content for company newsletters is nearly endless. The only thing you’re limited by is your creativity, your client’s industry and target audience, and your metrics.

Don’t be afraid to try out new ideas to see if they land; if they don’t, you can easily discard them and try something else. Always keep in mind who you’re writing to and who you’re writing for, so you can encapsulate your client’s voice and engage your audience.

Practice doesn’t make perfect when it comes to email marketing, because the field is constantly changing. However, consistent use of smart marketing strategies can help you generate effective copy for your client every time.

Company Newsletter Ideas FAQ 

What Are The Best Employee Newsletter Ideas?

The best employee newsletter ideas are the ones that create employee engagement. Regardless of what an email is about or what the newsletter design looks like, the most engaging newsletter is the one that your client’s team members open and read.

What Are The “5 T’s” Of Email Marketing Campaigns?

Writers can improve the overall efficacy of their marketing campaigns by understanding the 5 T’s of great content for emails.
1. Tease. Tease the content of the email in the subject line to entice users to open it.  
2. Target. Reach your target audience by customizing your content to each email list. If you haven’t already, your audience should be segregated by important factors like job title, department, and even age, sex, and hobbies.   
3. Teach. Make sure your email newsletters include actionable content that your client’s employees can begin using right away. 
4. Test. Split test different subject lines, hero images, content, formatting, headings, and colors to find the best combination that generates the highest click-through and open rates. 
5. Track. Track how well your email newsletters are doing by checking your metrics and sending employee surveys. This information can then be used to tailor your next newsletter to generate even better results.  

How can I improve click-through rates? 

Open rates and click-through rates are a direct measurement of how many people are opening emails and how many are completing the desired action, if applicable. Improving your click-through and open rates ensures that your client’s employees are getting the information they need when they need it. 

Here are some ways to improve employee engagement with your next newsletter. 
1. Write compelling subject lines
2. Use a visually pleasing newsletter design
3. Segregate your client’s email list and create great content specifically for each target audience  

What should I put in a company newsletter subject line? 

A company newsletter subject line should be compelling, engaging, and entice employees to open the email. Try writing your subject line in the form of a question or use bold text, capitalization, and exclamation points to persuade users to click. 

What is the best email template to use? 

When it comes to company newsletter design, there’s no one email template that performs better than all others. You should split test different versions of a newsletter design to determine which resonates best with your client’s target audience. 

When is the best time to send an employee newsletter? 

Unfortunately, there’s no general “best time” to send out a company email. Part of your split testing should include sending emails at different times throughout the day or on different days. Initially, you may start out with dozens of times and days to try out. 

As you continue sending newsletters and evaluating the metrics, you’ll learn which times and days are the least and most effective for your client’s target audience. 

How Important Are Email Marketing Metrics?

Email marketing metrics are the primary way you can gain insight on how your client’s newsletter templates are performing. By reviewing the metrics and performance of the email newsletters you write for your client on a regular basis, you can tailor your next newsletter to perform even better each time.

What if my newsletter content ideas don’t perform? 

If despite your best marketing efforts, your newsletter content ideas don’t perform as well as you’d like, there are a few things you can do. Switch up your subject line formatting, try a new newsletter design, include images or infographics, or have another look at your email list and target audience to generate new content marketing ideas that best fit your client’s email recipients.

How can I leverage AI technology to improve my email marketing strategy? 

AI technology can help you fine-tune your email marketing strategy in a number of ways and generate the best possible results for your client. AI and machine learning can help you optimize subject lines, send times, and even body content. 

It allows for highly customized, targeted content and segmentation, which is proven to produce better results, and it can also be used to keep large email lists clean and remove email addresses that bounce. Additionally, utilizing AI tech can help you produce emails faster and decrease client costs.  
