Writing a Book

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Writing a book? Learn what goes into the best books using these detailed articles, blog posts, interviews, and guides. It’s time to become an author today!

Writing a book is a big project. It can take months or even years if you don’t have a plan. Fear not; helping writers become authors is a key part of what this site is all about.

This resource also contains guides and book-writing tips from other great authors.

You can also listen to interviews with New York Times best-selling authors and understand what went into their book-writing processes. Begin by reading our expert guide on how to outline chapters.

How to write a great author bio?

How To Write a Great Author Bio: In 6 Simple Steps

A great author bio should be many things—quirky, memorable, and bursting with personality. But writing an effective one—especially for the first time—can be very difficult. When you’re an indie author, self-promotion is the name of the game. You need to learn about getting good at tooting your own horn and bragging about yourself at every turn to your fans and potential …

How To Write a Great Author Bio: In 6 Simple Steps Read More »