Freelance Writing

What are the qualities of a freelance journalist?Our freelance writing resource contains everything you need to know to kickstart your freelance career. 

Freelance writing can be a lucrative and satisfying career path, but you need to know where to find work, how to communicate with clients and build up your writing skills.

Check out our freelance writing for beginners guide, with all the essential resources you need to get started. Before you know it, you’ll be selling your work for a great price and have a roster of loyal clients

We’ve also got plenty of software round-ups that will serve you well as a writer and free invoice templates

Top 10 toughest writing challenges and how to overcome them

Top 11 Toughest Writing Challenges And How To Overcome Them

This article contains everything you need to know about writing challenges, what causes them, and how to overcome them. Writing is a lonely, mentally challenging, and sometimes grinding profession. Most of your time is spent in front of a screen, trying to put words together, while your brain is telling you, “Nobody would read this.” …

Top 11 Toughest Writing Challenges And How To Overcome Them Read More »

How to work from home - Feature

How to Work from Home: A Short Guide Featuring 10+ Proven Tools

Many of us are facing the question of how to work from home. With the right approach and tools, you can accomplish as much from your house or apartment as in the office. I’ve worked from home for years as a freelance journalist, a copywriter for a large software company, and more recently while running …

How to Work from Home: A Short Guide Featuring 10+ Proven Tools Read More »

Are you undercharging 5 tips for setting freelance writing rates

Are You Undercharging? 5 Easy Tips For Setting Freelance Writing Rates

In this article, you’ll find 5 tips for setting freelance writing rates so you can avoid underselling yourself and start your career the right way. Freelance writing is one of the best jobs in the world. You can be your own boss, set your hours, work in your PJs and get paid to write. It’s …

Are You Undercharging? 5 Easy Tips For Setting Freelance Writing Rates Read More »