7 Best Stan and Jan Berenstain Books For Children

Discover the best Stan and Jan Berenstain books in our detailed guide, with several titles from the famous Berenstain Bears series.

Growing up, a lot of people read the Berenstain Bears. For many people, Berenstain Bears books are synonymous with their childhood and taught countless children how to read. The best Stan and Jan Berenstain books have left a mark on children’s hearts across the globe.

Stan and Jan Berenstain were famous American authors and illustrators best known for their children’s books, in particular, the series The Berenstain Bears. Both born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Stan and Jan were married for 59 years until Stan died in 2005. Since its 1962 debut, the Berenstain Bears series has grown to over 400 titles and has sold over 300 million copies worldwide.

“A lively imagination is one of the best things a cub can have. It’s imagination that lets us paint pictures, make up poems, invent inventions!”

Stan and Jan Berenstain

Stan and Jan Berenstain have cemented themselves as some of the best children’s books authors of all time, right next to Dr. Seuss. If you are looking for a solid children’s book to read to your kids, check out a few titles you might want to add to your bookshelf from our round-up of the best Dr. Seuss books.

Best Stan and Jan Berenstain Books

1. The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV, 1984

The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV
The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV helps parents who are having a difficult time controlling their kids’ screen time

Perhaps no book is more relevant to children today than The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV. People today, particularly children, seem addicted to their screens. This might include TV shows, movies, video games, and cell phones. So, even though this book came out in 1984, it is still relevant today. In this book, the entire family cannot pull their eyes away from the TV to enjoy everything around them. Eventually, Mama Bear ends up staging an intervention to remind everyone that there is a world beyond the TV screen.

Parents who are having a difficult time controlling their kids’ screen time may want to take a look at this book. By encouraging children to look at the world through the eyes of The Berenstain Bears, they can be reminded that there is a large world beyond the TV screen. 

“She wasn’t quite sure how it happened. Maybe it began when the old fuzzy picture black and white set broke down and they got a big new color set.”

The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV, Stan and Jan Berenstain
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02/18/2024 03:41 pm GMT

2. The Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd, 1989

The Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd
The Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd is an excellent way for parents to start talking to their kids about popularity and peer pressure

Growing up, just about every child wants to be a part of the “in” crowd, but is it sacrificing your personality? This is what The Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd tackles. There is a new bear school in the book, and she quickly becomes the coolest person in the room. Therefore, it should be no surprise that Sister Bear wants to be like her; however, she quickly realizes this might not be the best way to make a new friend.

This book is an excellent way for parents to start talking to their kids about popularity and peer pressure. Of course, everyone wants to make friends, but sometimes, the price might not be worth it. Parents with difficulty explaining this to their children may want to use this book for help. If you like reading children’s books, you might also enjoy our list of the best books by Roald Dahl.

“One’s sense of self-worth is often undone the first time one feels left out of the fun”

The Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd, Stan and Jan Berenstain
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02/18/2024 03:41 pm GMT

3. The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing, 1995

The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing
The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing is relatable for everyone with multiple kids in the house

The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing is a story everyone can relate to. When there are multiple kids in the house, teasing is only natural; however, there will come a time when teething gets out of hand. Sometimes, it can become incredibly hurtful, and Brother Bear is having way too much fun at the expense of his sister. Eventually, he becomes the target and feels the same pain. Finally, he gets a first-hand look at the impact he was having on his sister, and he learns his lesson. 

“But, there were some things that they just couldn’t agree on.”

Stan and Jan Berenstain, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing
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02/19/2024 02:37 am GMT

4. The Berenstain Bears’ New Baby, 1974

The Berenstain Bears' New Baby
The Berenstain Bears’ New Baby can help parents see what the introduction of a sibling might be like for a child who is already there, particularly an only child 

Parents will face many challenges with their children growing up, but one of the biggest challenges is the introduction of a new sibling. That is something that The Berenstain Bears’ New Baby will tackle. When people think about the Berenstain Bears, they usually think about the mother, the father, the son, and the sister. 

However, many have forgotten that “Sister Bear” did not become a part of the family until 1974. In this book, Brother Bear raises concerns about what will happen once a new baby is in the house.

For example, even though parents might be excited to have a new baby along the way, children, particularly young children, are always nervous about introducing a new sibling. So, even though parents should not assume that everything will go smoothly right away, this book can help parents see what the introduction of a sibling might be like for a child who is already there, particularly an only child. 

“There was his snug little bed with a new baby in it. Small Bear had outgrown his snug little bed just in time for his new baby sister. And now he was a big brother!”

The Berenstain Bears’ New Baby, Stan and Jan Berenstain
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02/18/2024 03:45 pm GMT

5. The Berenstain Bears and the Green-Eyed Monster, 1994

The Berenstain Bears and the Green-Eyed Monster
If you want to teach your kids a lesson, you might want to consider reading The Berenstain Bears and the Green-Eyed Monster

Are you sick and tired of your children complaining because of something someone else has? Even something as simple as a child complaining about another child eating a candy bar in the grocery store is enough to drive you crazy. If you want to teach your kids a lesson, you might want to consider reading The Berenstain Bears and the Green-Eyed Monster. Envy is only natural. People, even children, compare themselves to others.

In this storybook, Brother Bear gets a new bike. Then, Sister Bear becomes very upset. She is jealous; it negatively impacts the entire family, and the parents have difficulty helping their children get along. But, eventually, all is right with the world, and everyone learns a valuable lesson. If you want to teach your child this important lesson, The Berenstain Bears and the Green-Eyed Monster could be the right book. You might be interested in exploring metaphor examples for kids. Check out our guide.

“When another bear gets something brand-new, the green-eyed monster makes you want one, too.”

The Berenstain Bears and the Green-Eyed Monster, Stan and Jan Berenstain
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02/19/2024 04:21 am GMT

6. The Berenstain Bears and the Ice Monster, 1997

The Berenstain Bears and the Ice Monster
The Berenstain Bears and the Ice Monster teaches children the importance of facing their fears

The Berenstain Bear stories are a much-loved children’s book series by both parents and little ones. The Berenstain Bears and the Ice Monster is an adventurous addition to the series, where the bear family prepares for a winter camping trip. The tip turns unexpectedly when an ice monster is rumored to be in their midst.

As the bear family embarks on their winter adventure, the bear cubs discover how teamwork and overcoming fears aren’t as scary as they might first seem. This delightful picture book is perfect as a beginner book for little minds.

“Once outside, the stranger continued his warning. “Go back to the old ways! Hibernate! Only those who hibernate shall be saved! So says I.M. Weird!”.”

Stan Berenstain, The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Ice Monster
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02/19/2024 07:20 am GMT

7. The Berenstain Bears Go Back to School, 2009

The Berenstain Bears Go Back to School
The Berenstain Bears Go Back to School helps children navigate staring a new school term

The Berenstain Bears Go Back to School is a heartwarming story that follows the bears preparing to return to school after their summer break. The book has a warm and reassuring message aims to help young readers feel confident about navigating their back-to-school experience.

It’s an excellent choice for children starting a new year of school or experiencing any big changes in life. As well as being an entertaining read, these board books are ideal for soothing little ones after a bad dream or nightmare.

“On the bus, all the bears were talking about the things they were going to do at school—soccer practice, science projects, music lessons—all kinds of things! H-m-m, thought Brother. Sister”

Stan Berenstain, The Berenstain Bears Go to School
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02/19/2024 07:25 am GMT

Fun Facts About Stan and Jan Berenstain

Stan and Jan Berenstain met while they were both attending the Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Arts. They married five years after they met and were married for 59 years until Stan’s death. From the beginning, they worked as a team, working as gag cartoonists for The Saturday Evening Post and Colliers.

Stan and Jan Berenstain Net Worth

Stan and Jan Berenstain shared an impressive net worth with the success of their children’s books. Sadly, Stan passed away in 2005, seven years before Jan in 2012. Although it can be hard to pinpoint the exact amount of their net worth, it’s estimated that Jan Berenstain’s net worth when she died was $20 million

FAQs About the Best Stan and Jan Berenstain Books

What happened to Stan and Jan Berenstain?

Stan Berenstain died in 2005. Jan Berenstain died in 2012 after a stroke. To explore more unique books, you may want to check out some of the best fantasy authors

How many books did Stan and Jan Berenstain write?

There are more than 300 titles in the Berenstain books collection. The first one came out in 1962, and they have been translated into dozens of languages. 

What order are The Berenstain Bears books?

You do not necessarily have to read the books in order, as each of them has an important lesson it teaches. The first book was published in 1962 and was called The Big Money Hunt. The Bike Lesson followed this up in 1964 and The Bears’ Picnic in 1966. 

Looking for more? Check out our round-up of the best Dr. Seuss books!
