Articles About Hamlet: Top 5 Examples and 7 Helpful Prompts

Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a beautiful play with meaningful messages. Discover our top picks of articles about Hamlet and prompts to assist you in writing.

When I first heard of Hamlet at school, I thought it was just another tragic story written by the great William Shakespeare. But after reading, I found that the story is more than the desire to achieve justice and incite revenge. Hamlet has proven itself a valuable piece of literature with themes that still apply to the modern world. It’s also a testament to Shakespeare’s writing prowess that cemented him as one of the best British authors of all time.

5 Article Examples

1. A Tragedy of “Hamlet”: Intrinsic Analysis by Supiah Wagiyo

“Prince Hamlet returns home from his school in Germany to attend his father’s funeral. He is extremely surprised and shocked to know that his mother, Queen Gertrude, has already remarried his father’s brother, Uncle Claudius. He took the crown although he knows that Hamlet was the righteous heir of the late King Hamlet.”

Wagiyo introduces the importance of literature and how it can help humans understand life. The author then focuses on examining the works of William Shakespeare. She then shares relevant background literature on Hamlet. She analyzes its plot, characters, and setting to explain its critical parts better. She also delves into the characters, the political situation, and the death of Hamlet. 

2. Hamlet Is Shakespeare’s Greatest Villain by Catherine Butler

“Hamlet not only behaves villainously throughout his eponymous play, but has somehow persuaded generations of audiences and critics that he is actually its hero. That is what takes his villainy to the next level.”

The writer provides a different perspective of the play and describes Hamlet as the “villain of genius,” a main protagonist that ruins his and the lives of people around him. To prove her point, she lists Hamlet’s crimes and wrongdoings, such as dragging the lifeless body of Polonius through the court and leaving it there to decay.

She also explains Hamlet’s actions as manipulation that ultimately pushed Ophelia to madness leading to her suicide. If you need more help with your characters, check our article on what is a protagonist vs. antagonist.

3. Hamlet in Pop Culture by Theresa MacNaughton

“Although Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare over 400 years ago, it continues to reign as one of the most imitated and relevant plays of our time.”

MacNaughton’s article showcases Hamlet’s influence on pop culture, including the play’s ability to inspire. This inspiration brought different interpretations influencing music, television programs, and movies. 

For example, she refers to “The Lion King,” a beloved children’s movie with adult themes. The writer compares Mufasa’s death at the hands of his brother Scar versus how Hamlet’s father was killed by his uncle-slash-now stepfather, Claudius. She also discusses more interpretations of Hamlet throughout the article and offers evidence of similarities.

4. The Manipulative Nature of Claudius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet by N B

“He may have gained the crown by vote, but not until after he took advantage of the king, killing him in his sleep. In the end, his manipulative and deceptive ways brought him temporary success, but only at the cost of his own life.”

The article lays down the obvious ways Claudius schemed and manipulated people to rope them into his evil plans, such as using the proper tone and wording to coax Hamlet to stop talking about his dead father. He also tricks the territory’s citizens, his family, and Laertes. The author continues to scrutinize the play’s antagonist to explain to the readers how Claudius made his plans a success. In doing so, the writer also presents the genius of William Shakespeare when it comes to writing.

5. Hamlet Within: Why Are We So Obsessed With Shakespeare’s Dithering Prince? by Michael Billington

“It is an attempt to de-romanticise the dithering Dane and is duly stimulating even if I sometimes felt it was pushing at an open door.”

Billington discusses that the poet T.S. Eliot called Hamlet “The Mona Lisa of Literature.” He explains that, like the famous painting, Shakespeare’s Hamlet effectively triggers the creative minds of many poets, novelists, and artists and inspires them to follow the play’s pattern but make it their version. However, it is also why the play’s original ideas change and become more advanced. 

For instance, he refers to the idea that Hamlet was once described as a “suicide bomber” and explains why he thinks this is true. He considers these discussions beneficial as they show how history shapes our understanding of Hamlet’s character. Ultimately, the writer says that people are obsessed with Hamlet because it’s a good play and because of great casting and timing. 

7 Writing Prompts for Articles About Hamlet

1. Is Prince Hamlet Good or Bad

Is prince Hamlet good or bad
Hamlet and Horatio Before The Gravediggers via Wikipedia, Public Domain

Unlike usual protagonists, Hamlet is not entirely categorized as “good.” Many argue that he is both good and evil. Appeal to these discussions and what makes readers consider Hamlet a dimensional character. Talk about both his good and bad qualities, behaviors, and characteristics. 

You can also give a different perspective by discussing why you think Hamlet can be the story’s villain. Add a section where you dive into what kind of king Hamlet would be if things went differently or if the play belonged to another genre.

2. Prince Hamlet Soliloquy: “To Be or Not to Be”

To be, or not to be,” is a 33-line long monologue that is one of the most famous acts in Hamlet. Use this prompt to make an in-depth analysis of this part of the play. Share why Hamlet is talking to himself and how Shakespeare masterfully used this soliloquy to share this character’s feelings and thoughts with the readers. Explain this scene’s importance and its essential importance within the play.

3. Does Hamlet Relate to the Writer’s Real Life?

Hamlet is about a prince whose life is consumed by grief over the murder of his father. In this case, many critics and readers of Shakespeare believe that it reflects the author’s sorrow for the loss of his son. Use this prompt, collect evidence supporting this claim, and explain it in your article. You can also include other similarities between Shakespeare and Hamlet’s lives in your research.

4. The Women in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

The women in Shakespeare's Hamlet
Queen Gertrude and Hamlet via Wikipedia, Public Domain

Hamlet only has two main female characters: Queen Gertrude and Ophelia. In your article, describe their characters and roles in the story. Analyze and write how Hamlet interacts with them, how Shakespeare portrays them, and how this portrayal reveals the author’s attitude toward women. Delve into why Gertrude and Ophelia chose to behave as they did and how it may differ if they lived in the modern world.

5. Did the Ethics of Prince Hamlet Lead the Story to a Tragic End?

A literary study shows that Hamlet’s ethics play a significant role in his life and decisions. For this prompt, you can either write an analysis of the study or research on your own to find out Hamlet’s ethical aspects. Then, explain how these traits affected his resolve and the overall ending of the story.

For example, Hamlet doesn’t kill his uncle despite his sins and thinks that his uncle will go to heaven because he prays and asks for God’s forgiveness. Some may think of him as merciful, while others consider this unjust.

6. The Characters in Hamlet

Aside from its witty deliverance and arcs, the characters in Hamlet play a critical role in its literary success. In your article, delve into each character’s role in the play and what would happen if they weren’t part of Hamlet’s journey.

Include how these characters will fit into modern society to make the article more interesting. For a compelling piece, pick your favorite side character and discuss the play’s plot from their perspective. Learn how to analyze a character first to make your piece more compelling.

7. How the Comic Scenes in Hamlet Affected the Story

William Shakespeare could write plays in different genres, and adding comic scenes was typical in his works. For this prompt, examine the comedic writing in the story and research Shakespeare’s purpose in adding humor to a tragic drama such as Hamlet.

Tell the readers if these scenes are added to reduce the tension in the story and make it easier to digest or if these scenes are intended to drill pain further when the tragic parts are played out. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts. 
