Articles About Economy: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

If you’re looking for a timely and timeless topic, write about the economy. Discover our top articles about economy examples and prompts to help you in writing.

The economy encompasses a broad area involving the production, distribution, trade, and consumption of a territory’s resources, goods, and services. Data derived from a country’s economy shows how good or bad its performance is and assists in the prediction of how this performance will reflect on its relationship with other nations and its citizens.

It’s a prevalent subject with a large audience as the economy affects everyone – students, business people, politicians, and everyday people. Write articles about the economy to share your take on managing resources and opening discourse relevant to today.

1. The Social Capital and Cash Holdings in an Emerging Economy by Saeid Homayoun and Maryam Seifzadeh

“… the region’s social capital, where the firm is located, has a significant role in contributing to its cash value… Social capital has a positive economic result against strong cooperation norms and dense social networks.”

The researchers examine the relationship between social capital and cash holdings and the impact of financial reporting quality. They define social capital as a set of values ​​that make it easier and faster to interact with company employees and refer to cash holdings as a way of saving the manager’s money to combat unexpected higher costs than making investments.

Through literature, theory, and research methods, they concluded that social capital is not positively related to cash holdings but to the quality of financial reporting. However, companies with social capital have lower cash holdings than others because of high credibility. Homayoun and Seifzadeh clarify that high-quality and reliable financial reports enhance a company’s social capital and credibility.

2. How Atlanta’s Growing Economy Burned Low-income Renters and Homebuyers by Carlos Waters

“In September 2022, the median home in the city of Atlanta was valued at about $400,000… That price would be out of reach for the typical household in the city of Atlanta, which made about $64,179 annually in recent years.”

Walter reports on the increasing house prices and rent in Atlanta, brought about by an increase in population and development in the area. He writes about the Beltline, which intends to connect neighborhoods and make services accessible via walking and biking. It’s the development most residents blame for the upsurge in prices. The report also includes how community organizers work together to keep housing prices affordable for all citizens.

3. Explainer: Can Ukraine Pay for War Without Wrecking Economy? By Associated Press

“Even as Ukraine celebrates recent battlefield victories, its government faces a looming challenge on the financial front: how to pay the enormous cost of the war effort without triggering out-of-control price spikes for ordinary people or piling up debt that could hamper postwar reconstruction.”

The article focuses on Ukraine’s economists scrambling to find ways to fill its budget deficit amidst its war with Russia. It notes how the country grapples with finding loans and donations without affecting its local currency and how, if Ukraine successfully tackles this obstacle, it’ll put Russia in financial squalor. 

The report delves into relevant happenings and answers pressing questions about the two country’s economies. The journalist shares that economists believe Ukraine will overcome and win this economic situation, especially with the help of countries like the US and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to meet the needs of the country and its citizens.

4. The ‘Yes, but Economy. Yes, We’re Worried About Recession — But the Economy Remains Resilient by Christine Romans

“So what’s next? The truth is that no one knows what happens next. Forecasts have been notoriously unreliable in the post-Covid economy… Covid broke the economy and putting it back together has been hard to measure… we’re still struggling to gauge the strength and durability of the recovery.”

Romans examines the “yes, buts” in economics that experts call second-hand pessimism – a news headline that contradicts itself. She gives examples in her article, such as: Yes, inflation is high and destroying the budget, but there’s a significant increase in travel bookings and park attendance. 

Despite the economy being “not as bad as we think,” Romans still recognize that the pandemic closed various establishments and forced many people out of work. It’s only one of the reasons why there’s still a struggle in trying to stabilize the economy.

5. The Inconvenient Truth of Herman Daly: There Is No Economy Without Environment by Jon Erickson

“Daly spent the rest of his career drawing boxes in circles. In what he called the ‘pre-analytical vision,’ the economy – the box – was viewed as the ‘wholly owned subsidiary’ of the environment, the circle.”

Erickson’s article is about Herman Daly, the father of ecological economics, and his life works. He discusses that Daly was unlike other young men of his time who believed in the power of economic growth as he explored the purpose and function of the economy. Apart from defining uneconomic growth, the author also presents and reviews Daly’s model of the empty and full world economy.

Check out the best economic books you should read here.

8 Prompts To Use in Writing Articles About Economy

1. All About Economy

Create this article as a beginner’s guide to the economy. Define economy in the simplest terms to make it digestible to the readers. Then, explore the jargon used in economic reports to make your readers understand what they mean. For instance, talk about the most commonly-used economic indicators, such as GDP, unemployment, and inflation. Explain why they are preferred over the other indicators.

2. Economy: Why You Should Care About It

The overwhelming and repeated bad news of the economic collapse often leads to apathy on this issue. In your article, express why people should be concerned with how the economy performs. Then, analyze how individuals can assist in fixing economic problems to make your piece more relatable. You can also use this prompt to encourage your readers to study economics.

3. Unemployment and the Economy

Unemployment and the economy
In this prompt, delve into how low and high unemployment rates affect the economy of a country or region

As one of the leading economic indicators, unemployment plays a significant role. For example, as the economy grows, more jobs are created in various fields, lowering the unemployment rate. In this prompt, delve into how low and high unemployment rates affect the economy of a country or region. You can also add the government’s efforts to keep unemployment rates down.

4. Culture’s Effect on the Economy

A recent study shows that a person’s culture and character significantly impact the economy. Using other studies and articles, explain to readers the positive and negative effects of culture on the economy. Then, discuss the results of constantly changing economic conditions on a people’s values ​​and culture.

5. Why Prices Go Up: Inflation and the Economy

Inflation is the constant growth in the price of products and services that occurs not only in a country but around the world. Use this prompt to briefly talk about the meaning and connection between inflation and the economy. Analyze their relationship and the factors that cause inflation, ways to prevent it, and how it affects the economy. 

6. Does Trading Help the Country’s Economy?

Trade and friendship with others greatly help the economy. In this prompt, consider at least five countries with the most stable economies where their amicable relationship and long-term foreign trade have been vital to their economic growth. Briefly explain how their positive association began and why a country must have allies.

7. The World’s Economy After the COVID-19 Pandemic

The world's economy after the COVID-19 pandemic
Use this prompt to discuss countries’ present economic problems and their governments’ efforts to solve COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic brought many changes and challenges worldwide, resulting in many territories suffering a decline in their economies. Use this prompt to discuss countries’ present economic problems and their governments’ efforts to solve them. Then, find or talk to experts, ask their opinion on these methods, and discuss if they’ll be effective.

8. The Major Sectors That Affect a Country’s Economy

Each country has its main economic sectors, such as agriculture, fishing, industry, and hospitality. For this prompt, pick a rich and a developing country and identify their main economic sectors. Examine how rich countries treat, protect, and grow their vital economic sectors and compare this to developing countries. Then, based on your information, think of ways to help emerging countries improve their economy.

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