Articles About Eating Healthy Food: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Discover our guide to writing articles about eating healthy food, including examples and prompts, to inspire your next piece.

Recent research has shown that around 71% of Americans believe they could eat more healthily. A significant increase in the number of those opting for a vegan or vegetarian diet or avoiding processed foods suggests that individuals are making fundamental changes in their eating behavior.

The trend towards eating more healthily is likely to continue, with concerns about animal welfare and environmental issues further driving shifts in diet. Writing articles or reading essays about eating healthy food is a great way to help those keen to adopt a healthier lifestyle. These articles can provide the motivation, inspiration, and information that are so valuable on the wellness journey. You might also find our medical words list helpful.

Articles About Healthy Food Examples

1. What are the Benefits of Eating Healthy? by Cathleen Crichton-Stuart

“Healthy eating has many benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.”

This comprehensive article by Crichton-Stuart covers a range of benefits of eating more healthily. These include better heart health, reduced cancer risk, enhanced sleep quality, and improved memory. The article has been medically reviewed and contains helpful information, facts, and stats. As well as detailing specific food which can help with different aspects of wellness, the author concludes by summarizing some easily-actionable tips for eating healthily. Check out these essays about food.

2. What is Healthy Eating? A Qualitative Exploration by Rebecca Mete, Alison Shield, Kristen Murray, Rachel Bacon, and Jane Kellett

“Social media facilitates healthy food choices by providing access to healthy eating information.”

Mete et al. seek to determine how healthy food choices translate into daily living. It covers our perceptions of healthy food and what can drive us to eat better. The article also explores what can get in the way of making healthy choices. As part of the study, twenty-three participants were interviewed. One of the article’s conclusions is that social media can support healthier food choices by disseminating information. Check out these essays about health.

3. Healthy Diet – by the World Health Organization (WHO)

“Unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are leading global risks to health.”

This article discusses the basic principles of a healthy diet pertaining to adults, infants, and children. It includes lots of practical advice on how to maintain healthy eating habits. The importance of coherent national policies designed to promote the eating of healthy foods is also explored, including trade and agricultural policies.

In conclusion, the article details the response of the WHO and the Health Assembly to issues of ill health caused by poor nutrition. It also looks at the recommendations made by these bodies to prevent, for example, the marketing of food and non-alcoholic drinks to children. You might also be interested in these essays about nursing and essays about obesity.

4. How to Start Eating Healthy: 10 Changes You Can Make by Cat Lafuente

“Healthy eating” can look different for everyone, but the ultimate goal is to establish a pattern of taking in foods and drinks that supply you with the necessary nutrients to keep up your overall health.”

The authors of this medically-reviewed article offer ten easy changes that individuals can make to their diets to start eating more healthily. This includes sensible steps to help increase water intake.

All of the tips have been approved by a dietician, making this an excellent resource for those wishing to start a new healthy eating plan but who aren’t sure where to start. Many practical tips are included in the article, such as ideas around in-advance meal prep and advice on how to balance a plate to support healthy eating.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about body image.

5. How Food May Improve Your Mood by Anahad O’Connor

“The sugar-laden, high-fat foods we often crave when we are stressed or depressed, as comforting as they are, may be the least likely to benefit our mental health.”

In this article from the New York Times, O’Connor discusses the link between eating healthily and better mental health. The new field of nutritional psychiatry and the idea that a healthy diet promotes better brain health are explored. It explores the growing body of evidence that points to the fact that there’s a direct link between how happy our gut is and how happy we feel mood-wise.

The article covers the results of a major trial on how diet affects mental health. The trial discovered that depressive symptoms were significantly reduced in the group who ate healthily for the twelve weeks of the study compared with the second group, who were asked to eat a diet high in processed food, salt, and sugar and low in fiber, fruit, and vegetables.

Articles About Eating Healthy Foods Writing Prompts

1. What is a Healthy Diet?

For those wanting to pursue a healthy diet, it’s important to start by defining what this comprises. This is especially important as so many ‘fad’ diets are out there purporting to support wellness. This article aims to provide plenty of fact-based advice on what healthy eating looks like in the real world. It should include the types of food to incorporate, including how to start following a healthy eating plan. 

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

2. What are the Benefits of Eating Healthy Food?

What are the benefits of eating healthy food?
In this prompt, discuss the link between diet and sleep quality is especially relevant given that around seventy million Americans suffer from sleep disorders which can have a major impact on quality of life

This article prompt covers the various benefits of eating healthily, from maintaining a healthy body weight to improved mental health. There is plenty to explore, both the more well-known benefits of eating healthily and the less well-known advantages. For example, the link between diet and sleep quality is especially relevant given that around seventy million Americans suffer from sleep disorders which can have a major impact on quality of life. You might also be interested in our tips for writing about food.

3. How to Fit Health Eating into a Busy Lifestyle

A busy lifestyle that includes work, family, social, and other commitments can get in the way of healthy eating goals. This article is designed to give readers plenty of actionable advice and inspiration to help them make – and maintain – the changes they want.

Discuss some hints and hacks that can make a difference. Include, too, some real-world success stories for added impact. Harness the power of persuasive writing to motivate readers to eat more healthily and sustain this new way of life long term.

4. How Eating Healthy Food Can Be Better for the Planet

This article prompt can be used to make the compelling link between a healthier diet and positive environmental impact. Research and provide facts and statistics regarding, for example, vegetarianism and veganism and how healthy these diets are in reality. Explore the extent to which they are better for the planet than a diet containing animal products.

5. Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits in Kids

Encouraging healthy eating habits in kids
In this prompt, give parents the information, advice, and guidance they need to feed their kids a healthy diet and help them grow up with great healthy eating habits

With almost one in five kids in the US in the category of obese, it’s never been more important to instill healthy eating habits in children. Write this article to give parents the information, advice, and guidance they need to feed their kids a healthy diet and help them grow up with great healthy eating habits. Due to the intersection with eating disorders, care will need to be exercised here in exploring ways to ensure kids are eating a good diet.

6. The Dangers of Fad Diets

Use this article to highlight the potential health problems caused by following a fad or ‘celebrity’ diet. Conclude by discussing some alternatives for long-term healthy eating, such as a diet based on Mediterranean eating patterns. This article is an excellent opportunity to promote body positivity and celebrate different body shapes. Once you’re done, edit thoroughly to ensure that the article reads concisely. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts. 
