Articles About Accounting: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Accounting is a complex topic; however, it is vital to an organization’s survival; if you are writing articles about accounting, look at our guide below.

In simple terms, accounting refers to recording and reporting financial information. It often involves measuring, summarizing, and analyzing a business or corporation’s sales figures and communicating them to tax authorities. 

Accounting is important because it keeps a systematic, accurate, and complete record of a company’s activities; it holds companies accountable for their activities, hence the name. If you are looking for an article topic, try articles about accounting, and start by looking at some of our featured examples below.

5 Example Articles

1. Accounting Explained With Brief History and Modern Job Requirements by Jason Fernando

“Without insight into how a business is performing, it is impossible for a company to make smart financial decisions through forecasting. Without accounting, a company wouldn’t be able to tell which products are its best sellers, how much profit is made in each department, and what overhead costs are holding back profits.”

In this article, author Jason Fernando gives readers an overview of accounting, including a basic definition, history, and the types of accounting. He also discusses the job requirements for entering the accounting profession and a few job titles in the field: auditor, forensic accountant, and controller, among others. Most importantly, he describes its importance, for companies can only make informed decisions with the proper accounting.

2. The importance of filling the skills gap in the accountancy sector by Sonia Sharma

“Although technical skills are still necessary, firms need to supplement this with data and digital learning, as the Mind the Skills Gap survey by CIMA demonstrates that 42% of employers still report deficits in digital skills such as e-commerce, coding, data analytics, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. The pandemic also highlighted the need for digital literacy, as many companies did not have the capabilities to move into remote working. This also impacted new hires as traditional on-the-job training could not be undertaken, negatively impacting firms’ productivity.”

Sharma explains the skills gap in the accounting profession in recent years: many employees need to gain the skills required to meet their business’s goals. This is shown particularly in digital skills, as the pandemic has shown the importance of digital literacy. As a result, businesses are investing more in programs to teach employees the skills necessary to achieve their objectives. 

3. Accounting by Scott Powell

“Accounting standards improve the reliability of financial statements. The financial statements include the income statement, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement, and the statement of retained earnings. The standardized reporting allows all stakeholders and shareholders to assess the performance of a business. Financial statements need to be transparent, reliable, and accurate.”

Similar to Fernando, Powell describes the importance and components of accounting. Proper accounting keeps a record of transactions, allows businesses to make good decisions, helps communicate company results to other parties, and meets legal requirements. Among the two main parts of accounting, financial accounting covers the preparation of accurate financial statements. In contrast, managerial accounting uses these financial statements to prepare reports informing management of strategic business decisions. 

4. Is An Accounting Degree Worth It? Here’s What You Should Know by Mariah St. John

“Accounting work provides opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills in various areas of finance, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, management, banking and finance, tax and business law and general business practices. These desirable skills can transfer to numerous professions across nearly every industry.”

St. John describes the accounting profession in detail, explaining the different accounting degrees one can obtain in order of increasing specialization: associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and MBA. As expected, each has its advantages and disadvantages; the more challenging it is to obtain a degree, the more beneficial it may be for one’s future. She also explains the benefits of working in accounting, including understanding finances and better job opportunities. 

5. The Dark Side of Accounting Expertise by David McCann

“Focusing on the CFOs, CEOs, and other top executives of more than 3,000 public companies, accounting professors Anne Albrecht of Texas Christian University, Elaine Mauldin of the University of Missouri, and Nathan Newton of Florida State University find that executives’ backgrounds as partners or managers in audit firms can substantially increase the present likelihood of financial misstatements. That prior experience, they write, “provides extensive knowledge of audit procedures and negotiation tactics.” As a result, executives could use their higher-order ability to hide misstatements or to avoid current-period adjustments when the external auditor finds misstatements.”

In the article, McCann writes about a study revealing that business executives’ expertise in accounting can negatively impact the accuracy of financial reporting. The study found that executives may use their experience in accounting to hide misstatements; their supposed credibility allows them to pass off misreporting as accurate. In summary, accounting experience can just as easily subvert accurate financial reporting as it can strengthen.  

6 Writing Prompts On Articles About Accounting

1. The Importance of Accounting

The importance of accounting

In this article, look at the importance of accounting for business owners. To do this, reference accounting software such as Sage. Explain the importance of accounting to different parties involved: the executives, stakeholders, and the general public. Be sure to use credible sources when discussing a precise topic. 

If you still need help, our guide to grammar and punctuation explains more.

2. The Best Accounting Practices

Write about some of the best strategies people can follow to manage their finances and help their businesses thrive. Discuss how they can help keep debt to a minimum and preserve a clean, efficient record. Such as applying for funding and business loans and practicing good bookkeeping. Make use of credible sources to justify your points. 

3. Accounting and Technology

As with many other fields, technology has revolutionized how accounting is done today. Research how accounting has changed as technology has improved over the years- how and why has it become more efficient? Discuss the accounting software available today and how it can help businesses streamline their processes. 

4. A Guide to Becoming an Accountant

For your article, you can write about the steps to becoming an accountant, such as the qualifications, importance, and benefits. Research and discuss the advantages of being an accountant and essential skills and qualities for the job, and briefly touch on the necessity of accounting. 

5. The Effects of Poor Accounting

The effects of poor accounting
In this prompt, give examples of businesses or companies that have been crippled due to poor accounting or dishonest bookkeeping.

Poor accounting is always detrimental to a company’s success. For example, the lack or inaccuracy of information can lead companies to make poor decisions unknowingly. Research how poor accounting may affect companies’ finances and give examples of certain decisions made consequently. You should also give examples of businesses or companies that have been crippled due to poor accounting or dishonest bookkeeping.

6. Accounting for Government Spending

One of the most critical things that must be accounted for is a government’s national budget; too much spending can lead to a country’s bankruptcy. Give an overview of why accounting is important in government and who handles accounting in government. Take a look at recent budgets that have been published, and give your opinion on how the Government has decided to delegate its finances.

For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts. When editing for grammar, we also recommend taking the time to improve the readability score of a piece of writing before publishing or submitting it.
