7 Tidbits of Advice for Newbie Writers

For the new writer considering starting a book for the first time, these pieces of advice for newbie writers are a valuable starting point.

Everyone must start at the beginning, and a new writer is no different from someone starting any other hobby or career. The first time you sit down to write, you may feel a little overwhelmed.

Thankfully, there are many pieces of advice for newbie writers you can latch on to as you strive to make yourself a better writer. Yet with so much writing advice available today, new writers need to know how to dig through the writing tips to find the best ones.

Here are some of the best pieces of advice for new writers that you can latch on to as you start your journey towards becoming a writer.

7 Pieces Of Advice For Newbie Writers

Tidbits of advice for newbie writers

Whether you are hoping to start a full-time career as a content writer, have a short story you want to publish or are considering writing your first book, this advice will get you started.

Great Writers Are Strong Readers

One of the best writing tips you will ever get is to become a reader. If you don’t already spend a lot of time reading, now is the time to start. Reading helps you expand your vocabulary and learn how to write well from some of the best writers in the world. 

As you choose books to read, don’t get stuck in one genre. Fill your Kindle or your library shelf with a rich selection of reading materials. Include online writing from your favorite bloggers in the mix.

Making reading an active activity. If you come across words you don’t understand, look them up and learn the meaning to expand your own vocabulary. The more you read, the better your vocabulary and overall writing skills will be, so make reading part of your habit.

2. Good Writers Will Always Be Students of Writing

The writing world will always have someone who is more skilled than you are, so be willing to learn

As you start writing and build a portfolio of your own writing material, don’t stop learning. The process of writing is a fluid one, and you can always learn something to make yourself a better writer. Even the most successful professional writer will continue learning to hone in on a better writing style and improved grammar.

Even if you feel that your writing style is set and you have a solid grasp on grammar, you can learn skills to shorten your research and writing time and get your ideas to publication more quickly. The writing world will always have someone who is more skilled than you are, so be willing to learn.

3. Rejection Is Part of the Publication Process

It doesn’t matter how good your story ideas are or how well you write your first book, you are going to face the sting of rejection when you submit it to a publisher. This can be painful as you look at your hard work and see the “no thanks” from the publisher, and many new writers walk away after some rejection.

Know that rejection is part of the process. It makes you a better writer and helps you learn perseverance. Keep revising and revisiting your work, submitting it to new publishers, until you find one that sees your story for what it is, and that it is worth publication.

Remember, rejection is part of the publication process. It’s not personal, and good writing will eventually find someone who is ready to publish it. Self-publishing is an option, but don’t jump right to that at the first sign of rejection, because there may be someone else out there ready to look at your draft.

4. A Writing Routine Helps

If you find yourself staring at a blank page and unable to get your ideas on paper on a regular basis, it may be because you aren’t in a good writing routine. Establish a schedule that sets aside daily time for writing. When you get to your writing time, limit your distractions and turn off your social media. Even if you only get a little bit written during your time, you will be making progress.

At first, writer’s block can be a discouraging problem, even during your established writing time. Push through it, force yourself to write, even if it is not quality writing, and soon you will be in an established routine that keeps the words flowing.

5. Journaling Is Valuable

How to journal daily
If you journal, you may find that those real-life experiences inspire ideas for essays or stories

Journaling is a form of writing that can help new writers keep their ideas flowing. Record observations from your life in a journal as you go about your day. Keep a journal in hand at all times so you can jot down these ideas when inspiration strikes.

If you journal, you may find that those real-life experiences inspire ideas for essays or stories. By writing them down, you can always come back to them to reference at a later date to spark writing ideas. 

6. Different Forms of Writing Are Great Practice

If you are a fiction writer, be willing to practice some nonfiction writing. If you love poetry, sit down and write prose from time to time. Learning to write in a different form can expand your writing skills and creativity.

By broadening your skill set, you will make your writing stronger in your preferred format. If you’re struggling to find a new writing form, consider blogging. A blog gives you a place to publish just about anything, so you can be creative with your writing.

7. Start Working on Getting Paid for Writing

Writing can be a good source of income, even when you are new to the trade. Book writers can set up an author website that highlights your writing style and any finished books you have. 

If you are considering a career as a freelancer, build a writing resume. Then, seek clients by pitching ideas to magazines or applying for jobs through sites like iWriter and Upwork

A Final Word On Writing Advice For Newbie Writers

Stephen King once said, “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” The best piece of advice for newbie writers is to simply start. Get over your doubts and write the first sentence, and watch as your own piece of writing unfolds before your eyes.

The hardest step of the journey is often the first one. Once you get your ideas flowing, you will see how quickly your writing career may unfold. Take these pieces of advice for beginner writers to heart, and just start. 

FAQs About Writing Advice For Newbie Writers

What are the most important things to know about writing?

The hardest part of writing is getting started. Once you have a good grasp of grammar and writing styles, simply start writing. It’s also important for new writers to know that writing is a lot of hard work, but comes with a great reward when you’re done.

How can I learn how to start writing a novel?

To start writing a novel, begin with something shorter. Write a short story or novella to hone in on your character development and writing skills. Then, use the skills you learn to expand your writing into a book.
