
Using an AI grammar checker

Using an AI Grammar Checker: What Every Writer Should Know

How much do you write online these days and do you use an AI grammar checker? If you’re reading this article, you probably write quite a lot. Emails in Outlook. Blog posts in WordPress or Medium. Articles in Google Docs…. If we’re writing on a computer, then it’s probably appearing on the web in some form — or …

Using an AI Grammar Checker: What Every Writer Should Know Read More »

Allegory Vs Metaphor

Allegory Vs Metaphor: What’s The Difference?

Both allegory vs metaphor compares two unrelated ideas to make your writing more impactful. Here is a closer look at what each one is and how to use them. Figurative language tools can make writing more engaging and impactful. They can help the reader picture more vividly what the writer is saying. Allegories and metaphors …

Allegory Vs Metaphor: What’s The Difference? Read More »