Letter U Worksheet Printout

Uncover the uniqueness of ‘U’ – download our Letter U Worksheet!

What Makes the Letter U Special?

The Unusual U: ‘U’ is a unique vowel, appearing in long sounds like “unicorn” and short sounds like “umbrella.”

Under and Up: ‘U’ takes us “under” the sea and “up” into the universe, exploring different environments.

Letter U Activities

Underwater Scene: Create an underwater scene with drawings or cutouts of sea creatures that start with ‘U’ like urchins and unicorn fish.

Universe Exploration: Explore the universe theme with crafts or stories about the universe and space.

Unguessable: Verbally describe U items without saying the name for kids to guess.

Use Your Senses: Explore U items using sight, sound, touch, smell without seeing the item.

Uppercase U: Practice writing the uppercase letter U with different materials.

Under the Sea: Read books and learn about ocean life starting with U.

Unique Shapes: Use play dough or clay to make shapes starting with U.

Letter U Worksheet Printable

Use our unique worksheets to trace the letter U and enhance your writing skills.

Letter U worksheet printable
Letter U printable