Classic Literature

Best 11th Century AuthorsExplore literature throughout the ages by browsing our articles showcasing the most note-worthy classic literature authors. By learning about authors of classic literature and delving into the works of authors from the early centuries, we can gain wonderful insight into human experiences. 

Classic literature is an excellent way to broaden your literary horizons, engage in deep and meaningful conversations, and appreciate the earliest forms of storytelling.

Delve into some of the earliest recorded literary works from the best 2nd-century authors, step into the Dark Ages by reading works from the best 11th-century authors, or read from those who lived through the Middle Ages with the best 14th-century authors.


Onomatopoeia examples from literature, advertising and comic books

12 Onomatopoeia Examples In Literature, Advertising and More!

Discover our guide with onomatopoeia examples in literature to help you understand this quirky literary device. Use it in your novels, essays and short stories! Onomatopoeia is a literary device that can make your writing more interesting. Learning how to use onomatopoeia words in your writing will better engage the reader and make them truly …

12 Onomatopoeia Examples In Literature, Advertising and More! Read More »